Author: Alexandru Chiuariu

Improve Usability and Front-End Implementation with UX Tuning
Because modern business web apps need to respond to the needs of many different stakeholders, ensuring a great user experience has become essential. Our UX Tuning service enables companies to provide an unparalleled user experience by removing usability bottlenecks and front-end implementation ...

How to Measure Migration Effort with Migration Assessment
Desktop or Web applications based on deprecated technologies tend to become more expensive to maintain, are no longer supported, or simply have a drop in performance that pushes users away. Most often, the solution is to migrate to a modern platform that can ensure that your business Web ...

Year in Review from a Fresh Vaadiner’s Perspective
As another year of fighting for simplicity nears its end, we’re taking a look back at what we have done in 2018 and what the future holds in store for us. Even though I’ve joined the Vaadin team quite recently, I had the chance to witness some of the following developments first-hand. Read on to ...

Custom Component Development and How to Make Web Apps Unique
Custom components for business web apps are a simple yet effective way of standing out from the competitors. That is the case whether they are built from scratch, themed to match your business’ brand guidelines and style guides, or if they’re based on an existing component with added functionality. ...

New to Vaadin? Use Expert Week to Start on the Right Foot
One of the most challenging aspects of adopting a new technology is discovering the best way to get started with it. Naturally, most companies would probably consider training their own employees over the course of several weeks or months. In the context of technology, however, learning how it ...