Author: Johannes Häyry

Vaadin 14.2 feature update is in beta
The latest feature update for Vaadin 14 is in beta. The update includes the most-wanted new component features. Read on for more about the new DateTimePicker component, dialog features, and improvements to the layout API. In addition, Vaadin 14.2 introduces several developer-experience ...

Choosing between LTS and non-LTS release channels
Vaadin 15 was released into general availability last week. By and large, the recommended option for most users who don't require the new TypeScript support is our current long-term support (LTS) version, Vaadin 14.1. This article explains how to select the right version of Vaadin for your project ...

An introduction to client-side TypeScript views in Vaadin 15
Vaadin is fast expanding its horizons. By the next LTS (estimated for 2021), the platform is looking to fully support two unique development models: Java-only server-side development (the current primary Vaadin model). TypeScript-based client-side UI development with seamless access to Java on the ...

New drag and drop API and more in Vaadin 14.1
Vaadin 14.1 brings a new drag and drop API, new components, a faster development-mode build, and a lot more. The generic drag and drop API The new drag and drop API allows you to turn any UI component into a draggable component or one capable of receiving dropped components. To make a component: ...

Vaadin 14 is the last major version to support IE11
Companies wanting to support Internet Explorer 11 should use Vaadin 8 or Vaadin 14. Vaadin 14 is a Long Term Support release, which means we will maintain it for free until June 14, 2024. Commercial support is available for an additional ten years, until June 14, 2034. Note that we will keep adding ...

Top 14 new features in Vaadin 14
Vaadin 14 is the latest Long-term support (LTS) version of the Java web framework. Since the previous LTS version (Vaadin 10), we have released a lot of great features, like CDI support, dynamic route registration, Material theme, keyboard shortcuts, and 18 new components, to name a few. Assuming ...

What is Grid Pro and what is happening to the free Grid?
We recently released Vaadin 13. One of the new components in the new platform version is Vaadin Grid Pro. It's the first release of the commercial extension of our free and open source Grid component. Because we are a commercial open source company, some of the features we release will be free and ...
Vaadin 12 Brings New Components and Improved Performance
Vaadin 12 adds a bunch of new components, a couple of significant performance improvements, a Material Design theme option and many other small improvements and bug fixes. Vaadin 12 is an incremental release and a recommended update as we are making progress towards the next LTS version, to be ...

How to Build Java EE Web Apps with Vaadin Using CDI
The Vaadin CDI add-on brings you Java EE web profile’s Contexts and Dependency Injection to Vaadin applications. With the Vaadin CDI add-on, you can turn your Vaadin UI views and components into CDI managed beans and start using @Inject in your route targets or layouts. Taking the add-on into use ...