Vaadin 10 and WebJars

Vaadin 10 is based on standalone Web Components for the client-side implementations of all components. Along with this comes a new distribution format: WebJars. Using WebJars is only recommended in cases where there is already a Bower package available. In particular, you should put your own ...

Vaadin 10 and static resources

Vaadin 10 makes some changes to the way it loads static resources, such as application templates, custom styles and any additional JavaScript files. The gist of it is that such files should be put in src/main/webapp/frontend/ when building a .war file and ...

Vaadin's frontend direction

There has been some discussion about what the recently announced Vaadin 10 platform means in the context of GWT. I'll summarise some background about the direction we're taking here. I want to bring up two central themes: component models and freedom of choice. Component models UI development ...

Framework’s client-server communication simplifies your life

One unique feature of Vaadin Framework is the way it automatically manages communication between the user's browser and your server. The biggest benefit of this is not directly related to communication, but rather that you can use a very productive programming model. Programming model Without the ...

State of the Vaadin Framework

Greetings from the Vaadin Framework team. While there hasn’t been too many updates aside from release announcements, I think every now and then it is good to let everyone know where we are and what we are doing. In Vaadin 7.4 we introduced the declarative format and released one of the most ...

Spring news: Beta is in the air

The Vaadin Spring and Vaadin Spring Boot add-ons have now entered the beta phase. There have been lots of questions about the best way of using Spring and Vaadin together. You in the community have made a couple of really nice integrations, but there haven't been any officially supported ways of ...

Using Vaadin Grid

Last week we released one of the most important components in the 7.4 version of the framework - the Grid. If you haven’t taken a look at it yet, I can tell you that there are quite a few features that you can use to present and tune to get your data on the screen. Like you know, Grid is now a part ...

Grid beta released

Vaadin Grid has been in progress for a very long time - much longer than anyone anticipated when we decided to start working on a replacement for our venerable Table component. The development team has been hard at work with adding features and resolving issues for over a year already. The last few ...

Vaadin RnD Update 04/2014

You might have noticed that we have recently made some new alpha and beta versions available for download without making any big announcements. This is part of our new strategy of every two weeks making new incremental releases of anything we have been working on. Background When we were building ...