Author: Mikael Sukoinen

Building and maintaining the component library of a design system
The main purpose of adopting and using a design system is to ensure consistency with minimal time and effort in the long run. However, there’s no such thing as a “free lunch”. The trade-off of a design system is the time and effort required to implement and maintain it. It’s an investment, but you ...

PWABuilder and Vaadin
Tech giants Microsoft and Google are pushing progressive web applications (PWAs) as the standard for their app stores. They have independently, and through joint effort, found ways to turn existing web apps into PWAs, and to wrap them to be supported on different platforms. These technologies have ...

Design systems and standards-based Web Components
Design systems become more important as applications grow in complexity and in number. Scalable, reusable and modular code, along with compatible visual assets, are key when organizations build multiple apps for different purposes, but still wish to maintain a level of consistency throughout their ...

Modern web development blogs by Vaadin users
With local meetups and conferences at a standstill, the online developer community is more active than ever. Vaadin has been around for 20 years and during this time we’ve seen our development community grow from a few users to over 150,000. We always keep a keen eye out for interesting topics and ...

New and updated cloud deployment tutorials
The final step of developing a web application is to deploy it online. However, this is often easier said than done, because of the number of available methods and many other factors that need to be considered. Cloud services are already a more popular way to host your web app than running a local ...

Submitting a PWA to Microsoft Store using PWA Builder
This tutorial shows how you build and submit your progressive web application (PWA) to the Microsoft Store. We use the PWA from our Modern Web App tutorial series and package it as an AppX package using the PWA builder by Microsoft. You can find more details about the PWA Builder in their GitHub ...

Vaadin Community survey results
Although the community survey is performed regularly to track the current preferences of our users, we have not shared the results of a community survey since 2016. With Vaadin celebrating its 20th birthday this year, we thought it was long overdue that we share the opinions of our users that have ...

PWAs as an alternative for Flash-based applications
Adobe has announced that Flash development will stop at the end of 2020. This means they will no longer distribute or update the Flash Player plugin. Millions of web pages have run their content on Flash since its initial release in 1996. Migrating to new software technology is unavoidable to ...