Maven Overlays for Vaadin Projects

Maven is more or less the de facto system for managing dependencies and builds in Java applications these days. Whether this is good or bad is up to yourself to decide, but Maven is here to stay and by using it properly, you can actually do some pretty nice stuff with it. In this blog post, I’m ...

Developing Modular Vaadin Applications Without OSGi

As applications grow larger, modularity becomes more important. There are multiple reasons why you would want to make your application modular. Maybe you are developing a uniform platform for all of your company's applications? Maybe you want to be able to offer different configurations of your ...

Building Vaadin UIs for Activiti-based BPM Applications

What characterizes an enterprise application? Is it the platform it is deployed on? Is it the number of LOCs? Is is the number and complexity of integrations with other systems, where a more complex system is more "enterprisy" than a less complex one? Well, if you asked me, I would say that an ...

Discovering GlassFish 3 with Vaadin

One of my first assignments as a fresh employee of IT Mill was to investigate how well Vaadin integrates with the new GlassFish 3 application server. The last time I had used the "official JEE" was back in the 1.4 days, resulting in me becoming somewhat of a Spring fanatic. However, I had read that ...