State of the Vaadin Framework

Greetings from the Vaadin Framework team. While there hasn’t been too many updates aside from release announcements, I think every now and then it is good to let everyone know where we are and what we are doing. In Vaadin 7.4 we introduced the declarative format and released one of the most ...

Make Your Day! challenge wrap-up

It's a wrap! The Make Your Day! online challenge has ended and it was absolutely amazing. Fun to organize and fun to see what was happening in the community. Let me share some details that I think are really cool: We got 143 people signing up for the challenge We got people taking part from 55 ...

Vaadin available at

Spring Initializr is a project configurator that you can use to kickstart your application project. You can use it directly from the web page, but there are also IDE integrations, Spring Boot CLI or simply command line curl to get started. You can just check the libraries and e.g. DB that you are ...

The Future of Directory is here

Did you notice that Vaadin Directory just got a huge facelift? The preview version has been available for a while, but earlier this week we unveiled the Directory 2.0 to everybody. What’s new? Most notably the whole user interface has been redesigned. Along with a modern and responsive look, we ...

Community Spotlight - March 2015

The Spring of Grid The late winter and early spring has definitely been spiced by the Grid. It has been a huge project in Vaadin, multiple times larger than we initially expected years ago, when it was only a sketch on our chalk boards. In fact, you shouldn't think of the first release just as a ...

A new Vaadin tutorial for developers with Swing experience

If you as a Vaadin developer have some background in desktop application development, you are probably well aware of the similarities that Vaadin and desktop GUI libraries like Swing have. The development model is so similar that Swing developers typically feel right at home on the very first day ...

Your Excel Files on the Web with Java

This is it, the Vaadin Spreadsheet 1.0 release is here! We are proud to announce our newest addition to our Vaadin Pro Tools collection. Check out the release video below and learn what it’s all about. Most of the world’s business is still run using Excel files When there isn’t a dedicated and ...

Vaadin videos at GWT.create

We're happy to announce that all the GWT.create 2015 presentations are now online and there are lots of interesting talks for Vaadin users on the official Youtube channel. While it’s worth checking out what all the buzz on GWT and Singular on the web is about, you as a Vaadin developer might be ...

Vaadin Certification week coming up in March 2015!

Good news! If you haven’t certified yourself yet, next week, March 23rd-29th 2015, you’ll have the chance of a lifetime! For the entire week the Vaadin Certification exam can be taken for free (normally $130.) As a certified developer, you can showcase your know-how in your CV, on in ...