Vaadin 7.4 released

Welcome to the next 7-series release. Even though this is called a "minor release", Vaadin 7.4 includes some enhancements which are actually making it a huge step forward. The Grid - for all your data First things first. The Table component has been one of the most prominent components in Vaadin ...

IoT with Vaadin and Bluemix

A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of hosting the traditional Vaadin Cruise to Jfokus in Stockholm, one of the largest Java events in the Nordics. This year Jfokus also had a separate IoT track to which the Vaadin Cruise worked as a warmup event. Before the cruise we had two webinars and a ...

Offline Mode for TouchKit 4 Mobile Apps

Background Vaadin is primarily a server-side framework. What happens with the application when the server is not available? Although this is possible on desktop computers, more often it happens when using a mobile device. This is why Vaadin TouchKit allows you to define offline behaviour. In this ...

Vaadin and Maven just got better

Vaadin has been supporting Maven for years already, and we recently had a major update of Vaadin archetypes. Now, that we are getting closer to Vaadin 7.4, we have been updating them again but we also wanted to update the documentation add some helpers to make you more productive. Bootstrap your ...

GWT.create full of great presentations

This year we had a total of 41 great speakers at GWT.create in Mountain View and Munich giving over 80 presentations. We asked the 656 attendees to rate the presentations on scale from 1–5 and got a total of 2377 votes. Average ratings given was 4.0 / 5.0. Pretty good, eh? Top 15 presentations Here ...

Community Spotlight - January 2015

In the last community spotlight, the focus was on add-ons and celebrating the first 500 of them. Let’s dedicate this month’s episode solely for community efforts that are NOT in the Directory and that are not Vaadin add-ons. No library is an Island, entire of itself Nicolas Frankel, known of his ...

What is the future of GWT?

Check out the results of our "the Future of GWT" survey and report that includes feedback from over 4000 individuals on the state and future of GWT. Having run the Future of GWT survey for the past three years and gone through over 4000 individual replies and comparing these with each other, it is ...

From the Labs: Vaadin Components and Elements

Vaadin is one of the most used Java frameworks for the web today. In our effort of bridging the gap from HTML to Java backends, we constantly investigate new technologies that make sense for web developers. Now, there are two early works available in Vaadin Labs that you might want to try ...

A recipe for a data centric rich internet application

During the last decade I have worked with Java, mostly within Vaadin R&D, support and technical marketing. I have had an awesome position to see a number of very different kind of applications being built and I built a couple of them myself, too. All applications have different requirements, ...