Vaadin 6 Maintenance Guarantee

Five year maintenance guarantee Five years is a long time in a fast changing technology environment. We believe that you appreciate that the support is guaranteed for the foundation of your applications, which should work for years to come. Vaadin has one of the most rigorous maintenance guarantees ...

Webinars, Meetups and Trainings

The Vaadin calendar has been filling up rapidly after New Year and there are lots of events close to you coming up. Firstly, there are tons of webinars in the queue, with the next one on Spring, with Josh Long from Pivotal and the one after that on Vaadin Charts together with Torstein Honsi from ...

No need to wait - Java 8, it's great

NetBeans IDE 8 automatically suggests to use Java 8 lambda expressions Java 8 is to be released soon. The current schedule predicts release in the middle of March, but you should notice that the recent postponements have been due to the various webstart related security enhancements. For web ...

Vaadin Meetup Cruise to Jfokus 2014, welcome aboard

Once again we are heading to Jfokus 2014 which is one of the largest Java developer events in Europe with over 1500 attendees, over 50 conference presentations and world class speakers. Jfokus is held in Stockholm on 3rd-5th February 2014. On Monday February 3rd we are going for a cruise and ...

GWT.create 2013 was awesome

When we started planning for the GWT.create conference last May, it was a really scary jump into the deep end of the pool. There had not been any GWT conferences since 2007, so we did not know what to expect. Even so, we felt that GWT really needed an event where the community could meet and plan ...

State of Vaadin Community 2013

In the end of 2013 we ran a survey on to learn more about how we all as the community are currently using Vaadin, and what do people love and hate about it. We got over 200 responses and here is what we know now. Professional Vaadin users We are a professional open-source community. When ...

Grails integration with Vaadin

When we were developing Vaadin applications, we were feeling excited about how the development of a user interface was easy. We could play with the UI and still think about it as object structures in Java. Then we started to think over how beneficial integrating Spring framework into Vaadin could ...

Working with geographical data in Vaadin apps

I have somehow ended up maintaining a few open source projects related to Vaadin, GWT and GIS. Probably thanks to Vaadin’s “community time” and my hobbies that relate to maps. I have personally used these artifacts only in my small hobby projects, but I also know they have been used in several ...

Participate in the Vaadin TouchKit 4 study

Would you like to learn a little about Vaadin TouchKit and help out at the same time? Of course you would! Then please see if you can find some time to participate in this assignment + survey that we’re running: We have already collected a fair amount of developer feedback on ...