Vaadin Blog
Extending components in Vaadin 7
The ability to extend components is one of the great new features of Vaadin 7. By using extensions you don't have to reinvent the wheel—you can adjust the outlook or the behavior of the existing components instead of creating new ones, thus minimizing the need for copy-paste code. I have been ...
Vaadin Charts 1.0 - ready for reporting UIs
Great news for all Pro Account users! Vaadin Charts has reached the 1.0 and is now available for download from the Directory. Pie, bar, scatter, stacked, timeline, ... Vaadin Charts has all the features you need to build cool reporting user interfaces to your application. You have seen this in the ...
Roadmap for the next 74 days
Vaadin 7 is done, now what? One of the lessons learned from our Vaadin 7 mega-project was that we should be taking smaller steps in future. Furthermore, we should not tie uncertain features to product releases before they are properly researched and prototyped. So we are not going to announce what ...
Vaadin Calendar is now free for everyone
Good news for all Java and open source enthusiasts! We have decided to open source the Vaadin Calendar add-on for everyone. Previously dual-licensed either under AGPL open source license or CVAL commercial license it is today available under more liberal Apache 2.0 license. The Vaadin Calendar will ...
Access to the underworld of JavaScript
Access to the underworld of JavaScript One big advantage of Vaadin is, that it lets you define your application front end from a very high level, and cares about the nitty gritty details for you. But sometimes the requirements for your application can’t be realized that way. This is when you can ...
Once upon a time there was a Vaadin cake
On Monday February 4th we took a giant leap forward by releasing Vaadin 7 and stepped on board of M/S Baltic Princess on a cruise to celebrate it. Many Vaadin users from Baltic countries joined us on Vaadin Developer Meetup Cruise which was an official Vaadin Release 7 Party. We wanted to offer ...
The next reindeer is here - Vaadin 7.0.0 is out
I am happy to announce that the wait is over. After 65 added features and hundreds of tickets, the Vaadin version 7.0.0 is released today and is now available for download at No need to say that this is an important version release for us. This is the first major version release ...
Vaadin, JS and DOM initialization order
As we all probably already know, one of the great new and interesting features of Vaadin 7 is the easy integration of any JavaScript component. No need to write wrappers between GWT and JavaScript anymore, just a simple connector and a state class and you have the freedom to use any kind of JS ...
It's demo time
We’re releasing our new Vaadin demo application, QuickTickets Dashboard, to the public today. It’s an application that I’ve been planning to create for some time and I hope that you find it a useful demonstration of what you can do with Vaadin. (Click to run the demo) Let me discuss a bit about the ...