The Future of GWT Survey

This year has brought many changes to GWT from Super Dev Mode and Elemental to the creation of the GWT Steering Committee (which Vaadin is proud to be a part of). As part of the committee, Vaadin would like to learn more about the community that we all serve, so together with Ray Cromwell (Google ...

Vaadin 7 Beta

After almost a year of development, the beta version of Vaadin 7 is finally here. Since the original mission statement, a lot has been done. While we did not manage to get in all of the planned features, we added some more - even managed to integrate the whole Google Web Toolkit into Vaadin. Before ...

State of Sass support in Vaadin 7 Today

I'm writing a few articles about the new theme features in Vaadin 7, mainly Sass and the new layouting and how those affect theme development. As you might have read from our newsletter or from various tweets, Vaadin 7 will include support for Sass (short for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets). As ...

How About Theming?

Theming a Vaadin application is not as frightening as some make it to be. It's just normal CSS with some Vaadin-related conventions, but not much more. In the end, you're using the same styles as with any HTML page. To get you started, check out these helpful links! Theming in Book of Vaadin ...

Vaadin 7 Loves JavaScript Components

NOTE: This blog post is outdated and the resources are no longer available. You can find an updated tutorial here. Using JavaScript components in Vaadin 7 is a breeze. Sure, Vaadin has had Window.executeJavaScript() for a good while now, but it's quite limited in what you can actually do with it. ...

New Book - Vaadin Recipes

We have another full-fledged book about Vaadin in the wild. Unsuspectedly, it arrived to us a few days ago, and naturally we took a peek at it. Vaadin Recipes, by Casey Taylor, is a brand spanking new book, written for Vaadin 6.8. The book is written in problem/solution pairs, and there's over 200 ...

Automated acceptance testing of TouchKit apps with Vaadin TestBench 3

TestBench is a tool especially designed for testing Vaadin based applications at the UI level. It simulates user interactions like clicks and typing using a real or headless browser. To verify correct behavior developers can assert values and data on the page and even perform advanced screenshot ...

Vaadin 7 Alpha 3 Released

The third alpha release of Vaadin 7 landed today. This one is a huge release. Not only did we add large features such as high level navigation api, JavaScript based component authoring and JavaScript integration api, but we even added GWT. Navigation API In Vaadin 6, you had to invent implement ...

GWT built in Vaadin 7

Greetings from the Google I/O "History and Future of GWT" session. I am happy to announce that our 5 year "engagement period" with GWT is turning into something more serious. Vaadin 7 will include a full copy of GWT maintained by the Vaadin team. This means that Vaadin 7 will directly support a ...