Vaadin Community Award 2021 winners

We recently announced the Vaadin Community Award program that recognizes outstanding Community members. Today, I'd like to announce the winners of 2021. Congratulations to all the winners! You have been exceptionally valuable to the Vaadin Community. This award is a small recognition compared to ...
Featured image with Vaadin reindeer and celebrating collaboration engine turning one years old.

Collaboration Engine is turning one year old

Where have we come from? Some time during the summer of 2020, we came to the realization that something was missing in our platform. We had two amazing frameworks, a design system that includes a set of modern UI components and our much loved Lumo theme, as well as a vibrant community that is as ...

LiquidityWell streamlines their development process with Vaadin Flow

We are always curious to hear how developers have built successful products using Vaadin and our components. For this “Built with Vaadin” post, we caught up with London-based company LiquidityWell, and got to chatting about how they streamlined the development process of their client’s application ...

Enterprise UX: What Enterprises Gain by Embracing Usability

Although the design and development of consumer-facing applications has made leaps forward, the world of enterprise software has been slow to keep up. Too often, enterprise apps continue to rank low in usability, leaving end users dissatisfied. Employees struggle with overly complicated enterprise ...

Infographic: Improve Accessibility in Your Web App

Here’s a handy infographic we created that summarizes the main tips and tricks on how you can improve the accessibility of your web app, while also enhancing usability for a wide range of end users. Check out our tutorial; Basic Tips for Improving Accessibility, to dive deeper into the individual ...
tips for improving web app accessibility

Basic Tips for Improving Accessibility

User Experience is a core value of the Vaadin team. This post is part of our series on UX in the Enterprise and highlights the importance of accessibility in building modern enterprise web applications. In this article we're going to go over some basic tips and tricks for improving the ...
Feature image for blog post

Deloitte Tech Trends for the Modern Enterprise Web App

Organizations of all sizes across multiple sectors are focused on digital transformation initiatives. This is no surprise as we all know the benefits and impact can accumulate such as streamlined processes, improved agility and efficiency, as well as meeting the growing demands for user experience. ...
Tetris-clone with Vaadin Flow

Server-side Tetris with Vaadin Flow

The server-side nature of Vaadin Flow often causes concerns for those who evaluate it: The UI must be slow, as the UI logic is on the server and the “chatty” connection will bring the server to its knees. In this era, it can be hard to convince your boss or fellow engineers in the face of these ...

Read and Display a CSV File in Java

This guide demonstrates how to import a CSV file in Java and display it in a data grid. In this guide, we create a web app that enables users to upload a CSV file to the server, where the file content is processed, and displayed back to the user’s UI inside a data grid. The web app is developed ...