Swing to Vaadin Migration

Tools to Migrate Swing Applications to Web - Part 2

In the previous article we introduced dynamic tools for Swing migration to Vaadin. In this article we consider the more classic static tooling. Static tooling works with your Swing source code, and is easier to set up because your application code doesn’t get executed as part of the transformation. ...

Wired Elements, a set of hand-drawn UI elements, part 1 (button, checkbox, combo & card)

Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. The Wired Elements collection, from the team wiredjs, has a big reputation amongst web component UI ...

Web components with your preferred framework

In my previous blog post, I shared some thoughts about why switching to web components has its benefits for Vaadin. One of the advantages is a win-win situation, not only can the Vaadin Flow Java users now use a larger set of components, but also our set of standard web components can be used with ...

Vaadin 10 and WebJars

Vaadin 10 is based on standalone Web Components for the client-side implementations of all components. Along with this comes a new distribution format: WebJars. Using WebJars is only recommended in cases where there is already a Bower package available. In particular, you should put your own ...

Vaadin Designer 3 is here

Vaadin Designer is the drag-and-drop visual designer for Vaadin, and we’re happy to announce now that it also supports the latest and greatest Vaadin 10! Nested template support With Vaadin 10, you can use nested templates to create more complex designs. HTML templates and more flexible Java ...
Swing to Vaadin Migration

Tools to Migrate Swing Applications to Web - Part 1

Automation can help make your migration faster and make you smarter before you start one. At Vaadin we’re working with Swing users to build tools that make the migration from Swing to Web easier to plan, cheaper, and of better quality all at once. We have two kinds of tools that have shown to be ...

How to use vaadin-grid with CSV file from different sources

Two weeks ago, we introduced papa-parse in the blog Papa-parse, the powerful web component for in-browser CSV parsing. As explained in the article, papa-parse is able to manipulate your CSV files in many ways. In this tutorial, we will show how you can use papa-parse to import the pokemon sheets ...

V8 vs. V10 - two maintained Vaadin versions, which one to choose?

Are you the one who jumps in to try all new technology? When choosing your car model, do you already select a hybrid engine, or even a fully electric one, instead of the conventional combustion engine? Both will take you from location A to place B, but features and risks in your investment are ...

Vaadin 10 and static resources

Vaadin 10 makes some changes to the way it loads static resources, such as application templates, custom styles and any additional JavaScript files. The gist of it is that such files should be put in src/main/webapp/frontend/ when building a .war file and ...