Forum, chat, and other ways to connect with the Vaadin community

The main driving factor of Vaadin's success is you, our developer community. With Vaadin 10 is in beta, we’ve seen a lot of new people evaluating Vaadin. To welcome everyone, I want to review the ways you can get help and talk with others in the community. The Vaadin forum Vaadin has always had an ...

Vaadin Framework 8.4 coming out with a bunch of enhancements and improved JDK 10 support

Update: Vaadin Framework 8.4.0 is now available. Alpha releases of Vaadin 8.4 are already available, and the final is scheduled for the 25th of April. The feature release contains enhancements to Grid, TreeGrid, Binder, converters, DateField, BrowserResizeListener and more. ComboBox has a better ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 01

What do we want to achieve? In this series, we will deal with the subject of Functional Reactive with Core Java. This means that we will examine the areas of functional programming and reactive systems one by one more closely. There are already a lot of systems and libraries, which cover this topic ...

Top slider components using Material Design

Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. The slider is one of the most used components in any website or web app. We can use it for choosing ...

Vaadin Directory now welcomes custom GitHub badges

Good news for all component authors! Vaadin Directory now supports custom badges which you can use in your GitHub repository. It’s cool, it’s concise and most of all, it shows meaningful information to your users about your component. Like most GitHub badges, you showcase them by writing some lines ...

Microservices: Health monitoring

In previous articles of this series, we discussed high availability and fault tolerance capabilities to make services resilient to failures in external services. In this article, we’ll add “health endpoints” and implement a dashboard to visually monitor service status. Why do we need this? ...

Best color picker component? L2t-paper-color vs paper-swatch-picker vs color-picker

Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Colors are one of the most fundamental human forms of expression. They appear everywhere, from our ...

Using Generics for Constructors

Intro This is the first article in a series on Core Java. The goal will be to look at functional and reactive aspects. Everything is based on the JDK itself, so that the examples can be tried out directly. All articles of this series are marked with the tag Core Java. At the end of each article you ...

What happened to Vaadin Elements?

One of the changes introduced with the Vaadin 10 beta release is that there is no longer a separate product called Vaadin Elements. We now call them Vaadin components. You can find them at Backstory: why there were Elements in the first place The development of our set of Web ...