Category: Tutorials

Custom component unit and integration testing tips
How to make your custom component a robust building block of your UI. In this tutorial, I will share some more ideas in the domain of creating custom components. My previous blog post was about creating a custom component with Lit, this is the next chapter of the story. This time we will learn some ...

The Java Developer’s Approach to Web Bluetooth
The Web Bluetooth API is one of the interesting new technologies that the Google Chrome team has cooked up that further narrows the gap between web apps and “real” apps. It allows full access to Bluetooth devices straight from the browser. The ability to connect directly to various devices like ...

Enable Live Reload for your Vaadin project
Vaadin Flow supports live reload features out of the box. This enables developers to view their changes in the browser without manually restarting the server and refreshing the browser after each change in the code. In this blog post, I'll show you how to enable automatic browser reloads for your ...

Create a custom component with Lit
Learn how to make your custom component a first-class citizen in the Lumo design system. In this tutorial, I will share some learnings I have gathered with my team when we have implemented custom components for Vaadin. When you start creating your custom components, I would assume you like them to ...

Deploying a Vaadin Application to IBM Cloud
This tutorial shows you how to deploy a Vaadin application to IBM Cloud. IBM Cloud offers a free Kubernetes Cluster, that expires after 30 days but can be re-provisioned. You can find details of their free and commercial services on the IBM Cloud website. Free IBM Cloud account required To complete ...

OAuth 2 and Google Sign-in for a Vaadin Application
In this guide, we learn how to provide users with the ability to sign in to a Vaadin application using their Google account. This is a lightweight alternative to integrating a fully-fledged identity management server or SSO Kit into your stack. Using OAuth 2 in this manner already enhances security ...

Three tips to integrate your Vaadin app into your existing website
Nowadays, it is rare to implement all software with a single technology. There are different teams and requirements, which is a good reason to allow a certain amount of variance in the software toolkit. The same goes for UI frameworks, and that's the way it should be. Hosting static HTML files ...

A minimal zero-downtime deployment using nginx & Spring Boot
Starting Java web applications is not an instantaneous process. It is not rare to see tens of seconds for some applications to boot. Although you can get an almost instant startup time if you leave out Hibernate and run Quarkus on GraalVM, that’s not the reality we live in. During development, ...

Basic Tips for Improving Accessibility
User Experience is a core value of the Vaadin team. This post is part of our series on UX in the Enterprise and highlights the importance of accessibility in building modern enterprise web applications. In this article we're going to go over some basic tips and tricks for improving the ...