Vaadin cloud deployment tutorials

New and updated cloud deployment tutorials

The final step of developing a web application is to deploy it online. However, this is often easier said than done, because of the number of available methods and many other factors that need to be considered. Cloud services are already a more popular way to host your web app than running a local ...
A chat developed in Java

Building a chatbot app in Java

Ever since I played my first role-based video game, I’ve been interested in chatbots (aka chatterbots). How could I implement something like this? Sure, I could code a bunch of if...else statements, but that sounded like a lot of work. Some years ago, I discovered AIML (Artificial Intelligence ...
Microsoft Store featured image

Submitting a PWA to Microsoft Store using PWA Builder

This tutorial shows how you build and submit your progressive web application (PWA) to the Microsoft Store. We use the PWA from our Modern Web App tutorial series and package it as an AppX package using the PWA builder by Microsoft. You can find more details about the PWA Builder in their GitHub ...

Building a dashboard for a REST web service in Java

Vaadin is a great tool for building dashboards. Typically, a dashboard is a screen containing information, metrics, key indicators, and other data points related to business processes. Dashboards allow managers to track and monitor the health and performance of their organization. After seeing ...

A practical introduction to unit and integration testing

In this article, I cover the basics of unit testing and integration testing in Vaadin applications. First I go through the basics of unit testing in Java and then look into testing Vaadin applications with Vaadin TestBench. This is a beginner-friendly introduction that will show you the basic steps ...

Free ebook: Modern Web Apps with Spring Boot and Vaadin

The popular tutorial series on building modern web apps with Spring Boot and Vaadin is now available as a free downloadable PDF for your offline enjoyment. This is really good, no excellent in fact. - nparsona on YouTube The guide covers everything you need to know to build and deploy a ...

Reactive Chat App with Spring Boot, Project Reactor, and Vaadin

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a reactive chat application. The backend consists of a Spring Boot Application, reactive data types from Project Reactor, and Vaadin for the UI layer. Figure 1. The chat app with a header, messages, and an input layout Downloading the starter project Start by ...
Request accepted by security framework but rejected inside Vaadin

The dangers of using the wrong abstraction for Vaadin access control

Abstractions are important, but mismatched abstractions can be problematic. One particular mismatch that I encounter every now and then is a lot more than problematic: it can be outright dangerous. This is the mismatch between URL-based filtering in various security frameworks and view-based ...

Learn Java web app development: new tutorial series

Today, we launch a new in-depth tutorial series about building web apps with Spring Boot and Vaadin. The content was inspired by frequently-asked questions from our community, like: how do you connect a Vaadin app to a database, or how do you create reusable components? The free tutorial series ...