Tag: Web-components
Top 3 Polymer icon sets for your web app
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. “I believe that good icons are more akin to road signs rather than illustrations, and ideally should ...
A web component that lets you integrate mathematical expressions handwriting recognition
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Algebra, calculus, geometry, probability, and we could even go a thousand more mathematics topics, ...
Top 5 Material dialog components for your next web app
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. We see these dialogs prompting every day, asking us to take action or merely to inform an error ...
But why Web Components?
Vaadin recently announced Vaadin 10 consisting of developer tools, Vaadin components, and Vaadin Flow. Vaadin Flow comes with many new features and one of the biggest is the usage of Web Components for the client-side, instead of GWT components. There is no big difference on the server-side from a ...
Introducing geo-location, a web component which lets you easily locate, track or reverse geocode your current location
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Nowadays, many companies make use of location tracking to create different apps, and such purposes ...
Migrate to Vaadin Flow before anyone else
Have you already migrated to Vaadin 10? Are you ready to enjoy all the benefits of Vaadin Flow once the final version is released? In this post, I will show you how to experiment with Vaadin Flow, with your current Vaadin 7 or 8 application. This is not a migration reference, although there are ...
This web component, gif-player, lets you control the playback of your gif
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Is it pronounced “gif” or “jif”? We do not really know. However, we do know one super awesome gif ...
A voice component for your next web app
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant. They are all intelligent virtual assistants developed ...
Top 5 web components for password input
Web Components Wednesday (WCW) blog series is created for two purposes: introducing easy-to-use components and educating people on the concept of Web Components. All the WCW blogs can be found here. Do you know that the first Thursday of May of each year is the World Password Day? The original idea ...