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Practical Vaadin: Developing Web Applications in Java

We love to celebrate the achievements of #Vaadiners who take on new challenges and side projects that show their appreciation towards the platform we’ve built together. So, we’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate our DevRel Manager, Alejandro Duarte, on his third technical book, ...
purple background displaying accessibility icons on computer and mobile device screens.

Accessibility in Modern Enterprise Web Apps

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically sped up the world's digital transformation. Now, in many cases digital is the only channel through which customers can communicate with brands and companies. In addition, remote work is becoming a new norm and companies are waking up to the impact that web app ...

Are Progressive Web Apps the future?

Today, mobile phones account for more than half of all web traffic. They have become mini personal computers found in the pockets of users, due to their portability, easy access to the internet, and the exponential growth of services provided over mobile. Users expect websites to function quickly ...
Phone camera on selfie-mode

Vaadin Community Summer Recap

“It's no secret that having a strong and enthusiastic community around open-source technologies is one of the main driving factors in the success of not only open-source projects but, most importantly, of their users." - Alejandro Duarte, Dev Rel Manager The Vaadin community is stronger than ever ...
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The Power of UX in Enterprise Web Apps (Infographic)

Consumer-grade UX has become an expectation in enterprise web apps Complex enterprise apps with poor user experience (UX) can lead to costs such as reduced employee satisfaction and performance, not to mention the price of mistakes due to poor design. UX is not only limited to the user interface ...

The best frontend frameworks to use with Spring Boot in 2024

Spring Boot is a preconfigured version of the Spring framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade applications. Spring Boot is a backend framework that has become a major player in the enterprise Java ecosystem. It lets Java developers start building web applications ...
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Unlocking the Value Of Legacy Applications

Keeping a web application up-to-date is a big challenge for any organization; technologies age, new platforms emerge, customer requirements change, and the standards for a great UX evolve. Modernization efforts are often catalyzed by a combination of these factors. The demand for application ...
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Java and Vaadin

Vaadin has been enabling Java development teams to build enterprise-grade web apps in Java for over twenty years. The Vaadin framework is unique, as it is the only one that allows developers to build modern web apps completely in Java, without any browser plugins. For well over two decades, Java ...
Feature image for real-time collaborative web apps for work blog

Use Vaadin to Build Real-Time Collaborative Web Apps for Work

The digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, as well as internal operations, has been accelerated by three to four years as a swift response to COVID-19. Companies have been pushed beyond the technology tipping point, fundamentally changing the way business is done today. The era of ...