Author: Lilli Salo
The Power of UX in Enterprise Web Apps (Infographic)
Consumer-grade UX has become an expectation in enterprise web apps Complex enterprise apps with poor user experience (UX) can lead to costs such as reduced employee satisfaction and performance, not to mention the price of mistakes due to poor design. UX is not only limited to the user interface ...
Unlocking the Value Of Legacy Applications
Keeping a web application up-to-date is a big challenge for any organization; technologies age, new platforms emerge, customer requirements change, and the standards for a great UX evolve. Modernization efforts are often catalyzed by a combination of these factors. The demand for application ...
Java and Vaadin
Vaadin has been enabling Java development teams to build enterprise-grade web apps in Java for over twenty years. The Vaadin framework is unique, as it is the only one that allows developers to build modern web apps completely in Java, without any browser plugins. For well over two decades, Java ...
Use Vaadin to Build Real-Time Collaborative Web Apps for Work
The digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, as well as internal operations, has been accelerated by three to four years as a swift response to COVID-19. Companies have been pushed beyond the technology tipping point, fundamentally changing the way business is done today. The era of ...
Why Real-time Collaboration is Essential in Web Apps for Work in 2021
Companies are becoming increasingly distributed around the globe and some are switching entirely to remote work. COVID-19 only accelerated the move towards a more digital and interconnected way of working. The jump to a predominantly online workplace calls for a solution that empowers cross-border ...
Why Good UX Design is Great for Business
Amidst today’s global digital transformation, consumers are spoilt for choice in apps. They are used to the amazing design found in consumer-facing apps where corporations have large budgets to spend on polishing every view to perfection. A high-quality UX is simple, intuitive and makes the final ...