Learn Java web app development: new tutorial series

Today, we launch a new in-depth tutorial series about building web apps with Spring Boot and Vaadin. The content was inspired by frequently-asked questions from our community, like: how do you connect a Vaadin app to a database, or how do you create reusable components? The free tutorial series ...

Vaadin 2019 highlights (and what's next)

As this year draws to a close, I wanted to revisit the Vaadin highlights for 2019. It was a busy year, full of releases and research. Vaadin 14 brought increased stability and compatibility The biggest event of 2019 was the long-awaited release of Vaadin 14. It came with feature parity similar to ...
Vaadin 14 Scalability Report - Email banner

The Vaadin 14 scalability report is out now

If you're building an app for a large audience, you want to make sure Vaadin is able to handle the intended load before you start to build the app. We're happy to announce the new scalability report for Vaadin 14. It covers aspects such as: Memory and CPU usage per session Peak concurrent users for ...

Vaadin Key Concepts

This document is meant for developers who are new to Vaadin and want to get up to speed quickly. It gives you a quick overview of the core concepts and provides links to relevant documentation for further reading. It can also be used as a quick reference while developing Vaadin apps. If you don’t ...

Frameworks are the future of the web platform

You might have missed one of the most significant announcements at this year's Chrome Dev Summit. It was subtle, but it will have a big impact on the web community. They hinted at the change in the keynote. But it wasn't fully spelled out until the second day: If you're an app developer, please ...

Production PWA webpack setup

In the previous tutorial, the focus was on learning the basic principles of how Progressive Web Apps work. Some of the issues we identified with the application were: We need to remember to update a timestamp in the ServiceWorker any time we update static resources Our initial caching can easily ...

Converting a website into a PWA

This tutorial will teach you the the basic Progressive Web App concepts by turning an existing web app into a PWA only using the native browser API. The tutorial does not use any framework, everything you learn will be relevant no matter what framework you use in your project. What’s needed In ...

Modern Java web development at Devoxx

It's once again time for Devoxx Belgium, one of the most exciting Java events in Europe. Our team finished setting up the expo booth and are looking forward to all the interesting conversations ahead! Modern web with Web Components and Java The web has evolved drastically over the past few years. ...
A laptop computer and a mobile phone running the same application

The business case for Progressive Web Apps

Over 50% of internet traffic is on mobile. On average, adults in the US spend almost 3 hours on smartphones every day, 90% of that using apps. If you're building a consumer-facing app, you need to offer a great mobile experience to attract customers. But what if you’re building an internal app for ...