Author: Marcus Hellberg

Hilla 1.3: a faster way to build React + Spring Boot apps
It's time to build a new web application. You've decided to use React with a Java back end, so you're good to go right? Not quite. There's still a lot of work to do to set up a new project, configure your build tools, find good UI components, and create APIs for communication between your front end ...

Optimistic view updates for latency compensation
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to keep your web app feeling fast even when your backend or connection is slow, using a technique called optimistic updating or latency compensation. The basic idea is that you update the view before calling the server, optimistically assuming things will work ...

Develop a full-stack Java application with Kafka and Spring Boot
What You Will Build You will build a full-stack reactive web app that sends and receives messages through Kafka. The app uses Spring Boot and Java on the server, Lit and TypeScript on the client, and the Hilla framework for components and communication. A browser window with an app showing one ...

Web vs Native Mobile Apps: What's the Best for Your Java Development?
One of the first challenges in building an application is deciding which platforms to support. Native mobile apps offer great usability but are expensive to build. On the other hand, web apps work on all platforms but have traditionally been unable to deliver the same user experience as native ...

Sending web push notifications from Spring Boot
Web push notifications are a way of informing your app users when something important has happened. Users can receive web push notifications even when they are not actively using your application, for instance, if the app is open in a background tab or even if it's not open. A notification message ...

Vaadin joins Foojay advisory board
Java is at the core of everything we do at Vaadin. Since 2001, we've been building tools that help developers and companies using Java build great web applications. Today, we are happy to announce that Vaadin is joining the Foojay advisory board to help promote a thriving Java ecosystem. Foojay, ...

Securing Vaadin apps with Spring Security
Getting security right is critical when building web apps. The upside of building a web app is that people can use it wherever they are, on any device. But you need to ensure that only the right people are able to access it, and that they have access to only the features you intended. In this ...

How to enable real-time collaboration in your Vaadin app in 4 steps
Most web applications are collaborative. You have multiple users, all working with the same underlying data in the database. However, in most existing business applications, this collaboration doesn't happen in real time, which can lead to mistakes, inconsistent data, and lost working time. Why ...

Vaadin 2021 roadmap: helping you build consumer app UX on a business app budget
Last week, I hosted product owners Jens Jansson and Matti Tahvonen for a webinar about Vaadin's 2021 roadmap. Here are the key takeaways if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Although Vaadin is working on many new features this year, our core focus remains the same: helping developers be ...