Neo4j + Spring Data - a natural fit for my data

Relational databases, RDBMSes, are the de-facto persistency solution for business apps. RDBMSes excel at large amounts of simple, not particularly complex data. Historically, each table is a structure of rows on disk. When you do a join, it’s an optimization on disk to help locate a pointer to ...

Optimizing hosting setup

The default setup for Vaadin web applications has been designed with the same principle as with the actual library: developer productivity. The war file generated by our archetypes or by Eclipse plugin is usable as such for most applications. But in case you wish to optimize your setup for speed ...

Vaadin Community Spotlight - April 2014

Vaadin community is huge and growing. There is lots of stuff happening “behind the scenes” that don’t get enough attention among our average users. Thus we have decided to start this new style of article series that will bring up some cool efforts. To keep the story short enough, we’ll never be ...

Vaadin in Akka

Concurrency and distributed systems are probably among the hardest parts of software engineering. Basic Java EE apps usually don’t need to deal with these issues that much, but increasing parallel computing resources in servers and constantly open client-server connections, like WebSockets, bring ...

WAS IBM has to do with Vaadin

So they told you to use IBM WebSphere Application Server in your business critical Vaadin application. Don’t be afraid. WAS might have been huge and heavy weight in the past - like I remembered it. But it nowadays follows the popular trend among Java EE servers: the focus is on developer ...

Full Apache stack for the Apache licensed RIA framework

Apache TomEE is an increasingly popular certified Java EE server that is based on Tomcat and other Apache libraries like OpenJPA and OpenEJB. The fundamental idea behind the project is to customize the widely beloved Tomcat as little as possible, throw in required (Apache) libraries and certify the ...

What is so great about Vaadin NetBeans plugin?

While working mainly with Eclipse in Vaadin R&D, I have personally used NetBeans from time to time to get some precious oversight on what other IDEs can do. Most often that has happened after banging my head to a wall with Eclipse issues :-). From what I have learned, NetBeans excels at least ...

No need to wait - Java 8, it's great

NetBeans IDE 8 automatically suggests to use Java 8 lambda expressions Java 8 is to be released soon. The current schedule predicts release in the middle of March, but you should notice that the recent postponements have been due to the various webstart related security enhancements. For web ...

Working with geographical data in Vaadin apps

I have somehow ended up maintaining a few open source projects related to Vaadin, GWT and GIS. Probably thanks to Vaadin’s “community time” and my hobbies that relate to maps. I have personally used these artifacts only in my small hobby projects, but I also know they have been used in several ...