Community Spotlight - February 2015

Directory renewal is getting closer. In last month’s episode, we didn’t discuss about the Directory or traditional Vaadin add-ons at all. So lets start with some news about the upcoming Directory renewal. We have just deployed a new version of the preview, now with a fully featured administration ...

Community Spotlight - January 2015

In the last community spotlight, the focus was on add-ons and celebrating the first 500 of them. Let’s dedicate this month’s episode solely for community efforts that are NOT in the Directory and that are not Vaadin add-ons. No library is an Island, entire of itself Nicolas Frankel, known of his ...

A recipe for a data centric rich internet application

During the last decade I have worked with Java, mostly within Vaadin R&D, support and technical marketing. I have had an awesome position to see a number of very different kind of applications being built and I built a couple of them myself, too. All applications have different requirements, ...

DevOps for your agile software process

"DevOps (a portmanteau of "development" and "operations") is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and Information Technology professionals. DevOps is a response to the interdependence of software development and IT ...

Community Spotlight - Celebrating year 2015 with 500 Vaadin Add-ons

The year 2014 ended with a remarkable milestone for Vaadin: There are now 500 publicly available extensions and helpers available for Vaadin users via Vaadin Directory. Although there are some “official” Vaadin Ltd backed artifacts available as well, this is mostly a community effort. Thank You! ...

OSGifying your Add-ons

Last week we had an intro webinar to OSGi and using it with Vaadin. OSGi helps you to build modular applications where you can easily add, enable and disable modules at runtime. Most developers who have worked with OSGi projects know a minor pain point in OSGi development. There is a huge set of ...

Community Spotlight - November 2014

Martin Vaněk is one of many who have recently discovered how awesome a combination Spring Boot and Vaadin make. He has written an excellent blog entry and an example application to use modern stuff like Java 8, Spring Boot, Vaadin, WebSockets and OAuth2 together and he hosts this beast in RedHat’s ...

Community Spotlight - October 2014

Our friends at Akquinet have been very active again this month. This time not with new UI components, but with some really cool RAD tools to get started with Vaadin apps. The Vaadinator project consists of a project template (maven archetype) and some code generator tools that automatically create ...

Responsive Web Design in Plain Java

Mobile web has brought up a trend that is called responsive web design (RWD). This commonly refers to a technique where the same HTML file is displayed in a bit of a varying manner, based on the screen size of the end user. This is achieved by some carefully crafted DOM structure and modern CSS ...