Tetris-clone with Vaadin Flow

Server-side Tetris with Vaadin Flow

The server-side nature of Vaadin Flow often causes concerns for those who evaluate it: The UI must be slow, as the UI logic is on the server and the “chatty” connection will bring the server to its knees. In this era, it can be hard to convince your boss or fellow engineers in the face of these ...
Liferay Vaadin featured image

Using Vaadin 14 with Liferay - what works, what doesn't?

Liferay has advocated strongly for OSGi lately. And we have lagged behind with this. Our plan was to look into Liferay support for Vaadin 14 after getting OSGi compatibility for npm done. But not every Liferay user needs OSGi. You can already build Vaadin 14 portlets today! Create Liferay portlets ...
OSGi and Vaadin featured image

Re-introducing OSGi support for npm-based Flow projects

Vaadin has been a popular UI technology for OSGi-based Java solutions for years. Many OSGi users are still on Vaadin 7 or 8. Last year their migrations almost stalled, as Vaadin 14 only supported OSGi in the “compatibility mode". Compatibility mode uses the deprecated Bower + WebJars-based solution ...
Data binding to Grid becomes easier and more efficient Vaadin

Data binding to Grid gets easier and more efficient

About a year ago, I discussed two common problems when doing lazy data binding to the Grid: the need for a count query and difficulties integrating with “paging backends”. That generated a lot of public and private discussion. The solutions are now available for testing. And while we were on the ...

New Vaadin Gradle Plugin available for testing

Gradle users have traditionally been "second-class citizens" as Vaadin users. We received many requests to provide official Gradle support in our most recent community survey. The Gradle build plugin was a community effort (even though it was sponsored by Vaadin), and Vaadin project creation on our ...

Vaadin simplicity, now also in TypeScript

Vaadin has always provided a strong abstraction for web development. The component-based Java API and completely abstracted client-server programming model make development of web UIs as easy and efficient as developing traditional desktop apps. Because the UI code resides in the JVM, accessing ...

Request for Comments - Lazy Data Binding Improvements

Vaadin 14 is finally out, but we still have miles to walk on our mission to simplify developer experience. Vaadin shines when it comes to data binding. Mostly due to the architecture that allows you to put the Java UI code to the same execution environment as your services. But there are things we ...

npm related DX improvements to delay Vaadin 14 release - Vaadin 15 postponed to December

We were all expecting to see a fresh new LTS stamped Vaadin 14 release at the beginning of the summer. The project was a bit late due to the documentation, but we thought we could catch up. At the same time, we started to spot some issues with the new npm based tooling that affects the developer ...

Vaadin 14, the next LTS release, is in beta testing

Update 25th June: Most new features are production ready, but we still want to take a timeout to fix some developer experience related issues in the new npm mode. Thus we are releasing another RC this week instead of final LTS release. With the npm mode, which is the default for new projects, ...