Writing extensions to Open Source projects

Many open source projects are rigorous on what they want to include in the project. It can be tough to convince the project lead of a new feature, even if you wrote a quality implementation and documentation of it. Sometimes it can be hard to even get a bugfix incorporated. It may feel that the ...

5 tips to get your issue solved quicker in open source projects

Asking for help is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to contribute to OSS projects - if you do it right. Last week I discussed code contributions, which is not easy and often takes a lot of time for beginners. With these tips, you can get your own problem solved and also help the project, ...

How to become an open source contributor?

We are utilizing a lot of Open Source products in our life daily. Sometimes we pay some money for them, in one way or another, but quite often we are just their users. To keep these awesome projects alive, we should at least sometimes try to contribute, give something back to the project. There are ...

Uploads and downloads, inputs and outputs

Vaadin Upload asks the developer to provide an OutputStream where the framework can stream the file content. Vaadin StreamResource (~ download) asks the developer to provide an InputStream the framework can read and stream to a user. Intuitive? Not really, unless you have accustomed to this ...

Testing the UI without a browser

Martin Fowler has introduced a metaphor Test Pyramid, to suggest that you should only write a fraction of end-to-end tests compared to small unit tests. It is not because end-to-end tests, like the ones using Vaadin TestBench or Selenium, are worse. They are actually better as they test all parts ...

Using new features with the LTS version: case TreeGrid

In Vaadin 10+, all components are basically add-ons. Previously we shipped the core component set in one module, but now all component implementations are different modules. Most often in your build file, you only use Vaadin BOM, which defines a set of modules that are tested to work together, and ...

Vaadin CDI for Vaadin 10 now available for testing

Vaadin CDI 10.0.0.beta1 is now available. Vaadin CDI integration library has been an important tool for many Vaadin developers, but we wanted to scope it out of initial Vaadin 10 release to get the first version of the new platform out sooner. The new version builds on the same old principles as ...

V8 vs. V10 - two maintained Vaadin versions, which one to choose?

Are you the one who jumps in to try all new technology? When choosing your car model, do you already select a hybrid engine, or even a fully electric one, instead of the conventional combustion engine? Both will take you from location A to place B, but features and risks in your investment are ...

Consuming rest services in Vaadin 8

Using REST services has really struck though during the last couple of years. They often act as a "public API" for third-party solutions like mobile apps or as a "persistence layer" for client-side web apps (GWT, Angular etc.). Java is probably the most common platform for providing REST services, ...