Meet us at CodeOne 2019

Vaadin 14 LTS was released just a while ago and next week will be one of the biggest yearly events to present that to you. We’re happy to meet you at Oracle CodeOne conference in San Francisco, September 15 - 19. Come and visit us at booth 3127 to say hello, try out Vaadin and grab a fresh copy of ...

Fixes for Firefox 67 regression issue

The Firefox 67 update, published on May 21, broke many web apps. The new Universal 2nd Factor API, now enabled by default, reserves a global variable called u2f. Updated Vaadin versions are now available. The new Universal 2nd Factor API may break especially applications using JavaScript ...

Vaadin 10 on the road

Vaadin 10 coming to a user group near you When Vaadin 8 came out, we decided to go around the world and visit Vaadin, frontend and Java user groups to show and tell how to leverage the new features in practice. Now, we are doing it again. Vaadin 10 marks the next era of Vaadin. At the same time, we ...

Vaadin Directory now also lists Web Components

Vaadin Directory has been the place to find extra 3rd party components and tools for Vaadin users for over 7 years already. Now, in addition to the 733 Vaadin and GWT components listed before, we’ve added a total of 467 3rd party web components in Vaadin Directory. Why? Compatible with Vaadin 8 and ...

Vaadin 2017 wrap up

We are already full throttle in 2018, but still wanted to briefly look back how we made it through 2017. And as far as all the events, conferences, and contests, 2017 was a fantastic year for Vaadin. We have moved to the new website, pushed out three versions of Vaadin 8 and a sneak preview of the ...

Check out the new Vaadin Directory

Vaadin Directory has served us well as the place to look and install extra components for Vaadin. To better serve the open source community and developers, we just made a complete overhaul of Directory’s user interface to focus on ease of use - and of course to modernize the look and feel. ...

Vaadin 8 roadshow wrap up

Vaadin 8 simplifies the development of web apps for Java developers like never before. We wanted to spread the word, so we visited tens of JUGs and Vaadin meetup groups this spring. Following the major Vaadin 8 release in February, we have been traveling the world - In practice mostly Europe and ...

Greetings from Vaadin Dev Day

Greetings from this spring’s Vaadin Dev Days! It was great fun to be a part of it again. We had a good full day of learning and a lot of inspiring discussions outside the official agenda. Typically it is the attendees who really make an event, and this time was no exception. The day was the best it ...

Vaadin Dev Day coming to Zurich

The Vaadin Dev Day series continues this time in Zurich, Switzerland on May 4th. The event early bird registration is now open! Make sure you register before March 31st to ensure your early-bird discount. DevDay is a full one-day, agile, fun and effective training where you’ll learn the best ...