Vaadin 8 on tour

Vaadin Framework’s 8th release is almost here. And this really is a tentpole release. Whether you are already using an earlier version of Vaadin Framework, or just planning to use it, we are organizing an excellent way for you to see and hear what the new version really means for you - in person. ...

2016 Recap

That’s it folks. We are ready to move this year into the “Done” column. I guess we are all eager to jump ahead to 2017 already, but let’s take the traditional retrospective of 2016 before doing that. As a company we have continued the steady growth. Our internal chat channel now lists 137 members. ...

Vaadin Dev Day videos published

Vaadin Dev Day Raleigh and Dev Day Munich are just around the corner, so we wanted to release the material from the previous Dev Days. Those Vaadin Dev Days were held in Berlin and New York in May. If you couldn’t attend then, we now have made the video recordings available for you. The topics ...

Vaadin 7.5 released

Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that we got a new release out. This one is called Vaadin 7.5. This is a good moment to have a look at what was just released. Declarative support for Vaadin Designer First of all, have you met Vaadin Designer? It is one of the most exciting tools we have ...

Vaadin available at

Spring Initializr is a project configurator that you can use to kickstart your application project. You can use it directly from the web page, but there are also IDE integrations, Spring Boot CLI or simply command line curl to get started. You can just check the libraries and e.g. DB that you are ...

Vaadin 7.4 released

Welcome to the next 7-series release. Even though this is called a "minor release", Vaadin 7.4 includes some enhancements which are actually making it a huge step forward. The Grid - for all your data First things first. The Table component has been one of the most prominent components in Vaadin ...

Vaadin and Maven just got better

Vaadin has been supporting Maven for years already, and we recently had a major update of Vaadin archetypes. Now, that we are getting closer to Vaadin 7.4, we have been updating them again but we also wanted to update the documentation add some helpers to make you more productive. Bootstrap your ...

From the Labs: Vaadin Components and Elements

Vaadin is one of the most used Java frameworks for the web today. In our effort of bridging the gap from HTML to Java backends, we constantly investigate new technologies that make sense for web developers. Now, there are two early works available in Vaadin Labs that you might want to try ...

Get on the right track with new Maven archetypes

Are you starting a new Vaadin application with Maven? If so, we have good news for you. To help you get started “on the right foot”, we are rolling out a few new Maven archetypes in the near future. The first one on the list, the vaadin-archetype-application-example aka the Book Inventory ...