Vaadin Welcomes Aceevo as a Solution Partner

For those who have been looking for a competent application development consultant in the U.S., there is good news. The Austin-based Aceevo LLC is now offering a variety of Vaadin related services. Their offering covers everything from Vaadin application architecture, design and development, fixed ...

New Vaadin Solution Partner - JPL Informatique, Switzerland

We welcome JPL Informatique as an official Vaadin Solution Partner. Founded in 1995 in Lausanne, JPL Informatique SA offers services in consultancy, training, conception and achievement in IT engineering as well as in the marketing and in the integration of computing solutions. The Vaadin ...

Magnolia CMS 5 - Focus on User Experience with Vaadin

Magnolia CMS has set a high goal to be the very best administration interface for Web-based content management on the market. With such a high goal, choosing the best toolkit for building the user interface is important. And that's where Vaadin comes into picture: for Magnolia 5 the web user ...

SQLContainer 1.0 Released

Good news for everyone using SQL databses in their Vaadin applications. The Vaadin SQLContainer is end-of-beta and v 1.0 has been released today. The SQLContainer is an add-on for Vaadin, that implements the Container interface for standard SQL database servers. SQLContainer allows you to easily ...

Back from Devoxx 2010

Last week was all Devoxx for us. For full conference experience, we had a booth and a talk for Vaadin there. It was extremely nice to be there and see all the people coming to our booth to learn more about Vaadin. Also there was a good number of Vaadin users and projects built with Vaadin that were ...

Vaadin and Liferay 6

I had the privilege to attend the Liferay Symposium in Frankfurt for the second time now. The symposium was very nicely organized, I guess mostly thanks to Laila Brown from Liferay for putting all the bits and pieces together for a very enjoyable conference. From my point of view it was also ...

A pleasant surprise....

[ Posted on behalf of Phil B ] Some time back, after my first introduction to Vaadin, I was on a small quest to understand how the integration with GWT actually worked. I managed to grab some of Sami’s community Friday time, he offered and I naturally accepted and we went thru the basics. In ...

Vaadin at JavaOne 2010

After a year since the Vaadin launch and the JavaOne is here again. We did not know what to expect, but seems that the reception in US exceeded all our expectations - Vaadin is very widely used to create enterprise applications of all kind. Actually, we are very excited! There are so many companies ...

Vaadin Add-on Compo August Update - LazyQueryContainer

A pleasant guest stopped at Vaadin office yesterday as Tommi Laukkanen - the author of LazyQueryContainer visited us. He took the trip here just to see what is it like in our offices - and maybe also to pick up the iPad he won in Vaadin Add-on Compo in August. Congratulations! The ...