Vaadin Charts 1.1 - For Vaadin 6

Earlier this year we launched Vaadin Charts 1.0. It has already become the way to do charting in Vaadin 7, but it was missing the support for existing Vaadin 6 applications out there. Now, this has been fixed and Vaadin Charts 1.1 includes support also for the older version of Vaadin Framework, now ...

Vaadin 7 certification goes online

We have a long awaited announcement to make: Vaadin 7 developer certification is finally live at Starting from today, you can validate your Vaadin 7 skills by taking an online exam through the Vaadin Pro Account. Vaadin certification helps you communicate the skills and expertise in ...

Vaadin 7.1 Beta out now

What a nice way to start a new week. The Vaadin build process was successfully completed on Friday and we have now a new minor (beta) release: Vaadin 7.1 Beta1 is available in Maven Central and on the download page. Those of you who have been following Vaadin development lately already know that ...

Vaadin Directory celebrates 3 years

Three years of Vaadin Directory Vaadin Directory has turned 3 years of age already. The Vaadin Framework itself features a lot of widgets and components, but it cannot have all the features in the world without becoming too big and unusable. The goal of the Vaadin Directory was to “make creation, ...

Vaadin Charts export from browser to SVG and PDF

Blog post by Matti Tahvonen: Like most new chart libraries of our era, Vaadin Charts was born for the web. Behind the scenes, we rely on the industry leading Highcharts JS library, which renders charts in the browser using the standard SVG vector format. Even though SVG had a rocky start, modern ...

Vaadin Charts 1.0 - ready for reporting UIs

Great news for all Pro Account users! Vaadin Charts has reached the 1.0 and is now available for download from the Directory. Pie, bar, scatter, stacked, timeline, ... Vaadin Charts has all the features you need to build cool reporting user interfaces to your application. You have seen this in the ...

Vaadin Calendar is now free for everyone

Good news for all Java and open source enthusiasts! We have decided to open source the Vaadin Calendar add-on for everyone. Previously dual-licensed either under AGPL open source license or CVAL commercial license it is today available under more liberal Apache 2.0 license. The Vaadin Calendar will ...

The next reindeer is here - Vaadin 7.0.0 is out

I am happy to announce that the wait is over. After 65 added features and hundreds of tickets, the Vaadin version 7.0.0 is released today and is now available for download at No need to say that this is an important version release for us. This is the first major version release ...

What do GWT Developers want for Christmas?

When we asked 1349 GWT users to share their thoughts and experiences on GWT, we thought it would be a good idea to limit the number of questions, so that people could quickly complete the survey and get back to work. But we failed. We asked nearly 40 questions of our respondents, including multiple ...