Fixing bugs in Vaadin

Here at Vaadin, we take software quality seriously. At the core of delivering quality software is learning from past mistakes and continuously improving the way we work. During the past few months, we have introduced some changes to the way we handle bugs. The two biggest improvements visible to ...

Community Spotlight - July 2014

After the rainy start, it has been a beautiful summer here in Finland. We have been enjoying our holidays and sailing a lot in the beautiful Finnish archipelago. But like all nerds, we wanted to collect data too. And for this purpose we created a small tracker application for our boats. This shows ...

How we run and test our apps - Community survey results

In June we asked you about how Vaadin applications go to production. What kind of apps do you use Vaadin for, what are the popular servers, and how regression testing is managed. A special thank you to everyone who took the time and answered. Here is what you said. Business. And more business. Most ...

Moving from General Interface to Vaadin

It has been announced that TIBCO has dropped the commercial support of General Interface (GI). Instead, it was advised to use some other well supported and maintained RIA framework. Well, Vaadin is a RIA framework, maintained and well supported. Let’s see how it compares to GI. Architectural ...

Credible mobile Java EE apps

A couple of weeks ago we had a webinar with a nice overview of a Vaadin TouchKit application built on top of a well established Java EE architecture. Some viewers even called it a "TouchKit essentials for Java EE gurus", but we are pretty happy about the content we covered there. You should ...

Using Web Components in plain Java

Web Components is a major effort to solve an issue among JavaScript hackers that has been working well in the Java world for ages: modularization. Using four emerging standards, Custom Elements, Html Imports, Templates and Shadow DOM, one can finally package UI components in such a way that they ...

Community Spotlight - June 2014

In this article series we have mostly covered topics closely related to Vaadin. But we would also love to give more credit about external contributions to the core Vaadin itself. During the past month, Fabian Lange has been really active, almost like working in our R&D team, and also Norman ...

Coffee with Vaadin R&D

What's going on in Vaadin's R&D? We lured the three teams together by offering a big cup of steaming hot Java and cinnamon rolls. Let's find out what tools and features are on the menu for all Vaadin users in the future. The professional bar in R&D is set very high. The teams are always ...

Packaging web apps using PhoneGap

What is PhoneGap? I guess not that many remember it anymore, but Apple started the new era of mobile computing with web apps only. You can do quite a lot with just plain web technologies and make mobile websites appear like normal apps on your homescreen. In many cases this is the best way to ...