GWT.create Call for Presentations

With 650 attendees, GWT.create arranged for the first time last year was the largest GWT-related conference ever arranged. Next year we want to grow the conference even larger, reaching closer to 1000 developers. Propose a presentation We welcome you to share your thoughts on the future of web, GWT ...

Pro Tools price changes

We are going to change the pricing of Vaadin Pro Tools at the beginning of July, but in order to make it a soft drop, we wanted to give you a chance to subscribe with the lower price and continue using it for the foreseeable future. Starting July 1st, 2014 the new pricing will be: One month / ...

Vaadin RnD Update 04/2014

You might have noticed that we have recently made some new alpha and beta versions available for download without making any big announcements. This is part of our new strategy of every two weeks making new incremental releases of anything we have been working on. Background When we were building ...

Vaadin Community Spotlight - April 2014

Vaadin community is huge and growing. There is lots of stuff happening “behind the scenes” that don’t get enough attention among our average users. Thus we have decided to start this new style of article series that will bring up some cool efforts. To keep the story short enough, we’ll never be ...

Vaadin in Akka

Concurrency and distributed systems are probably among the hardest parts of software engineering. Basic Java EE apps usually don’t need to deal with these issues that much, but increasing parallel computing resources in servers and constantly open client-server connections, like WebSockets, bring ...

Tori, the Liferay forum on steroids

We're pleased to announce the public release of Tori – the modern and sleek discussion forum for Liferay portal. We've kept Tori under the blanket while developing it and gathering feedback from you in the Vaadin community for more than a year, but now the time has finally come to turn on the ...

Scalability testing with JMeter

There is a point in every enterprise web application project when the scalability of the application under development is wanted to be measured. There are several reasons for why scalability tests are done. To begin with, there is a need to see how the application will perform on production like ...

Webdriver and object oriented testing in TestBench 4

Vaadin TestBench is a browser automation tool, suited for creating UI level tests for Vaadin applications. It is based on Selenium 2, which means that all features of Selenium 2/WebDriver are also available in TestBench. But what exactly does Selenium 2 / WebDriver do? And how does Vaadin TestBench ...

Using Vaadin CDI with JAAS authentication

Servlet 3.0 is awesome, so is CDI. They work well and are a joy to set up. Even adding the Vaadin Navigator to the mix isn’t an issue, since you can use the CDIViewProvider to maintain the injection chains. Everything works nicely with annotations, and you don’t need to mess around with nasty XML. ...