Performance testing a Vaadin application: Part 3 Apache JMeter

JMeter is one of the most popular performance testing tools. First released at the end of 1998, JMeter became the default choice for many companies needing to measure the performance of their software. In 2016, it was estimated that half of all companies performing load tests used JMeter. It is ...

Vaadin meets Vert.x

Vaadin server-side applications usually run in a servlet container, such as Jetty, Tomcat, or Undertow. However, Vaadin is not limited to these environments. The Vaadin building blocks are wisely designed on top of abstractions—VaadinRequest, VaadinResponse, VaadinService, VaadinSession, and ...
Collaboration Demo app featured image

Collaboration Engine: How the demo app works

The Vaadin Collaboration Engine is a set of features that enables end users of your Vaadin application to collaborate with each other in real time within the application. It was built to help people work together when not sharing an office space. It’s included in all commercial Vaadin subscription ...
Component Factory now free

Component Factory now under Apache 2.0

The Component Factory service was discontinued as part of our recent subscription changes. We’re making all custom components, except extensions of commercial components, available under the Apache 2.0 license. This means you can now use and modify these previously-commercial components for free. ...
Vaadin 18 featured image

Vaadin 18 brings enhancements for Fusion and Flow

Today we released Vaadin 18. It contains new component features and enhancements for Fusion and Flow. New and enhanced components Avatar and AvatarGroup The new Avatar and AvatarGroup components display the user’s avatar image or their initials in a colored circle. Additionally, you can create a ...

Performance testing a Vaadin application: Part 2 Application internals

In this post, you get to know the Vaadin internals that are relevant from a load-testing perspective. It is necessary to delve into these details, because they explain why you cannot simply replay a previously-recorded scenario when load testing a Vaadin app. You also need to deal with unique ...

Styling Web Components with CSS variables

Why do you need CSS variables? The purpose of CSS variables (CSS Custom Properties) is to enable using a CSS value across your whole application. Previously this has been possible by using a CSS preprocessor like Sass. Unlike SCSS or LESS, CSS variables are natively supported by most modern ...

Performance testing a Vaadin application: Part 1 introduction

At Vaadin, we are often asked if it is possible to run performance tests on an application to prove that it fulfills its non-functional requirements. In this blog series, we answer that question, introduce you to performance testing and help you get started with the process. The first blog post ...

Announcing the new Vaadin Community Discord Chat

Update 2024-03-15: We have discontinued Discord as our main forum. Instead, go to to ask for help and share your feedback. You know the feeling. You've been staring at your code for 15 minutes. You’ve debugged it a bit. Maybe you’ve even checked page 2 on Google. But no. It's still ...