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Vaadin Community Summer Recap

“It's no secret that having a strong and enthusiastic community around open-source technologies is one of the main driving factors in the success of not only open-source projects but, most importantly, of their users." - Alejandro Duarte, Dev Rel Manager The Vaadin community is stronger than ever ...

Dynamic Theming in Vaadin Flow

The application with different theme variants Whether for multi-tenancy or user preference, the need to dynamically change the theming of an application is a common business application need. In this post, we show how it’s done using CSS custom properties and HTML attributes. Vaadin 14.6 brought an ...
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Vaadin Security Updates

You might have been wondering about the increased number of security-related emails in your inbox. Our newly appointed security team has been performing internal code reviews, especially on the build-time tooling, and found a bunch of less-critical vulnerabilities. We are also now a CVE numbering ...

Theming made simple with Rolf Smeds. Highlights from our second Vaadin AMA.

Last week we held our second Ask Me Anything. Product Owner Rolf Smeds answered your questions on theming Vaadin apps. He kicked off the session with a review of the new simplified theming system available in Vaadin 19 with a live demo on Twitch. You can watch the recording here: Theming ...
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Expert Tips for New Java Developers

Even the best were beginners once: We asked long-time Java experts to share their experience and tips to find out what they wish they had known before beginning their Java careers. With Java having been in business for over 25 years now, let’s hear what the professionals had to say. You can find ...
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What’s new in Java?

Java is still going strong after 25 years! We decided to interview active Java professionals who have used it for years to hear about the new and upcoming features they are most excited about. With JDK 16 around the corner and new community platforms emerging, let’s hear what they had to say. Read ...
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AMA with Matti Tahvonen, Product Owner of Vaadin Flow

We held our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Matti Tahvonen, Product Owner of Vaadin Flow, on our official Discord server on February 4. Some very interesting questions came up and we’ve summarized the highlights in this post. First things first: who is Matti? In his own words: Hello, I’m one of ...
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Why do developers use Java in 2021?

Our previous post took a snapshot of the history and current state of Java: Who made it? How many developers does it have? What are they using Java for? This post takes a look at some of the reasons why Java has gained and retained its popularity for over a quarter of a decade. You can use Java for ...
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The State of Java

Java is one of the most popular programming languages, especially for enterprise applications. This post takes a brief look at its long history and where it is today. 25 years of Java The Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.0 was designed by a team lead by James Gosling and released at Sun Microsystems in ...