Vaadin Dev Day

Vaadin Dev Day online is here again

And it's free! At Vaadin Dev Day events, you get to see developers from the Vaadin team presenting technical topics on web development. Traditionally, this event is held in person in different cities throughout the year. At the beginning of 2020, this changed and the event was moved online and ...
Vaadin DevDay event for Java developers

The future of Vaadin events

As COVID-19 forced the cancellation of all physical events and meet-ups across the globe, we, like many other businesses, opted to move our events to online platforms. We recently held the first ever online Vaadin Dev Day. This event gives the Vaadin community the opportunity to connect with our ...
Vaadin Dev Day Online 2020

Vaadin Dev Day videos now available

The latest edition of the Vaadin Dev Day training was held online this year. The event sold-out in only two days after the official announcement with 300 hundred sign ups. It included three live technical talks focused on web development with Vaadin. If you missed it, you can watch the three ...
Vaadin Community survey results

Vaadin Community survey results

Although the community survey is performed regularly to track the current preferences of our users, we have not shared the results of a community survey since 2016. With Vaadin celebrating its 20th birthday this year, we thought it was long overdue that we share the opinions of our users that have ...

Top 5 tips on how to learn Java from the Vaadin community

A big thank you to those who shared their tips and tricks on how to learn Java. Your stories were delightful to read and are appreciated. This post summarizes your stories. The common trend is that learning Java is a process. Some struggled with Java in the beginning. For others, it was a long ...

Improving the developer experience for Java developers

The highlight of the recent Vaadin 15 release is the new capability to write UIs using TypeScript on the client side. Notwithstanding this, most of our recent effort has in fact gone into adding new value for Java-based UI development. These improvements target the upcoming minor releases of Vaadin ...

Developer Experience at Vaadin

Have you felt frustrated about something lately and think that the problem is with Vaadin? Ok, we’d like to help you with that. Before we can make things better, we first need to know what you think. As a developer, what is your experience with Vaadin? We invite you to tell us, either through ...

Share your Java knowledge with us

Learning is a complex process. Many different aspects, ranging from motivation to social environment, contribute to how we learn and gather new information. Even though we may think learning is an individual process, the contrary is actually true: it is a social activity, involving people, cultural ...

Full-stack with Java at Devnexus 2020

The Vaadin team was at Devnexus 2020, the largest Java developer conference in the US. The event was sold out and there were 2400 attendees, mostly from the US, but also from many other countries around the world. To me, as a Product Owner at Vaadin, events like this are not only a chance to learn ...