Vaadin TestBench: How to stabilize tests in slow environments

Vaadin TestBench is an awesome tool for creating integration tests for your application, but it's not immune to the problems caused by general slowness in your test environment. You might be running low on memory or disk space, or you might be temporarily trying to do more things on your test ...

Prepare your add-ons for Vaadin 24

Hello, add-on authors! This is the Vaadin 24 and Spring Boot 3 period. Although Vaadin 24 has only been in the pre-release stage for a few months, users are already anxious to try out Spring Boot 3, so we anticipate that Vaadin 24 pre-releases will see more usage than pre-releases often do. ...

Hilla 1.3: a faster way to build React + Spring Boot apps

It's time to build a new web application. You've decided to use React with a Java back end, so you're good to go right? Not quite. There's still a lot of work to do to set up a new project, configure your build tools, find good UI components, and create APIs for communication between your front end ...

Optimistic view updates for latency compensation

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to keep your web app feeling fast even when your backend or connection is slow, using a technique called optimistic updating or latency compensation. The basic idea is that you update the view before calling the server, optimistically assuming things will work ...
Document graphic with a check mark on the top-right corner displayed on a purple background.

Renewing the Vaadin License Checker

For those using one of our commercial products, you may have encountered the license validation window at some point: When you click on it or log in to to verify your identity, the system is notified that everything is okay, and it goes away, allowing you to continue building your app. ...
Jakarta EE, Spring Boot and the Vaadin logo displayed on a green background.

Jakarta EE is becoming mainstream – Get ready for Spring Boot 3 and Vaadin 24

TL;DR: The Java enterprise application ecosystem at large is making a backward-incompatible leap from the javax.* namespace into jakarta.*. To use next-generation application frameworks like Spring Boot 3 or Jakarta EE 10 compatible application servers, you'll need to use the soon-to-be-released ...

Develop a full-stack Java application with Kafka and Spring Boot

What You Will Build You will build a full-stack reactive web app that sends and receives messages through Kafka. The app uses Spring Boot and Java on the server, Lit and TypeScript on the client, and the Hilla framework for components and communication. A browser window with an app showing one ...
Purple background with a graphic of a lightbulb in the center.

Learn from the best – productivity tips from software architect Petter Holmström

Vaadin not only develops frameworks for building applications. We also develop actual applications. In all of these, we use our tools to some extent, but many deliveries by our Services department are fundamentally generic Java software projects, or consulting on them. This is probably the place to ...
A tree grid on a blue background

Inheritance vs Composition in Web Components

As developers, we strive for efficiency – not only in our code, but also in the software development process itself. One way to achieve this efficiency is to avoid redundancy and prioritize code reuse, so that we do not end up reinventing the wheel. Two tools that we have in our arsenal to achieve ...