Liferay Vaadin featured image

Using Vaadin 14 with Liferay - what works, what doesn't?

Liferay has advocated strongly for OSGi lately. And we have lagged behind with this. Our plan was to look into Liferay support for Vaadin 14 after getting OSGi compatibility for npm done. But not every Liferay user needs OSGi. You can already build Vaadin 14 portlets today! Create Liferay portlets ...

Polymer 3 templates and the modernization to LitElement

There are a lot of reasons to be excited about the new Vaadin client-side model based on LitElement that was introduced in Vaadin 15 and is now being ported to the newest Vaadin 14 version. Some of the reasons include: the ability to develop with TypeScript, the collection of faster and ...

Migrating Client RIA Business Applications to Web with Vaadin

The lights are going out on all plugin-based Rich Internet Applications (RIA) with the end of Adobe Flash on December 31 2020, and the end of Microsoft Silverlight on October 12 2021. Lately, a few companies have been in touch with us regarding migration from these technologies to Vaadin. Not many ...

Vaadin meets Vert.x

Vaadin server-side applications usually run in a servlet container, such as Jetty, Tomcat, or Undertow. However, Vaadin is not limited to these environments. The Vaadin building blocks are wisely designed on top of abstractions—VaadinRequest, VaadinResponse, VaadinService, VaadinSession, and ...

Building and maintaining the component library of a design system

The main purpose of adopting and using a design system is to ensure consistency with minimal time and effort in the long run. However, there’s no such thing as a “free lunch”. The trade-off of a design system is the time and effort required to implement and maintain it. It’s an investment, but you ...

PWABuilder and Vaadin

Tech giants Microsoft and Google are pushing progressive web applications (PWAs) as the standard for their app stores. They have independently, and through joint effort, found ways to turn existing web apps into PWAs, and to wrap them to be supported on different platforms. These technologies have ...

Design systems and standards-based Web Components

Design systems become more important as applications grow in complexity and in number. Scalable, reusable and modular code, along with compatible visual assets, are key when organizations build multiple apps for different purposes, but still wish to maintain a level of consistency throughout their ...
Design system for scalable web app building

A better way to build UIs: An introduction to design systems

Design systems are in vogue. Many well-known companies, from Shopify to Google, use them to ensure consistency in their products and efficiency in their product development. Done right, a design system can be a tremendous help to application developers and designers alike. Unfortunately, the ...

Future of HTML templates in Vaadin

Late last year, we announced that we are gradually moving away from Google's Polymer JavaScript library in favor of the far more lightweight and performant LitElement library. The next LTS, which is currently targeted for the latter half of 2021, will make Polymer optional for HTML templates. Using ...