Component Factory now free

Component Factory now under Apache 2.0

The Component Factory service was discontinued as part of our recent subscription changes. We’re making all custom components, except extensions of commercial components, available under the Apache 2.0 license. This means you can now use and modify these previously-commercial components for free. ...
Vaadin 18 featured image

Vaadin 18 brings enhancements for Fusion and Flow

Today we released Vaadin 18. It contains new component features and enhancements for Fusion and Flow. New and enhanced components Avatar and AvatarGroup The new Avatar and AvatarGroup components display the user’s avatar image or their initials in a colored circle. Additionally, you can create a ...

Introducing Vaadin Flow and Fusion

We received a lot of feedback from our community regarding the TypeScript view support we added in Vaadin 15. Many of you were excited about the new capabilities it offers for Vaadin apps. But, there was also some confusion about this change. In particular, many in our community asked: "How does ...

A sneak-peek at the future of Vaadin’s real-time collaboration features

Last Thursday saw the unveiling of our initial release of Vaadin’s new collaboration feature, which allows developers to rapidly build real-time form editing features directly into Vaadin applications, with only a few lines of code. A stable, beta version of the feature is currently available on ...

Meet Collaboration Engine: The simplest way to build collaborative web apps

(Part 2 of 4) Today, we launch the first iteration of Collaboration Engine: The world’s simplest solution for building powerful, real-time collaboration features into web applications. Read on to learn more about the problems we set out to solve, how Collaboration Engine works, and how you can ...

Faster dev-mode startup in Vaadin 14.4

Vaadin 14.4 is the latest long-term support (LTS) version of the Vaadin platform. This new version features faster startup in development mode, live reload for frontend changes, and an API to show helper text in form input components. Faster dev-mode startup The development-mode server now runs in ...

TypeScript, client-side views and endpoints in Vaadin - Q&A

Edit: This post has been updated to reflect the new Vaadin Flow/Fusion product naming. We introduced a new TypeScript API for building client-side views in Vaadin 15, called Vaadin Fusion. It is a new framework alongside the existing Vaadin Flow framework. In Vaadin 16 and 17, we added support for ...
Collaborative web apps

An introduction to real-time collaboration in business critical applications

(Part 1 of 4) Many businesses are looking beyond geographic borders to procure the best workforce, customers, vendors and partners. In other words, organizations are becoming increasingly more distributed as they conduct business across the globe. This means that online workflows (the sequence of ...

Vaadin 17 includes a major Vaadin Charts upgrade

We released a major upgrade for Vaadin Charts as part of Vaadin 17. Read on to learn about the Java API for styling, new chart types, and how to upgrade. Java API to style charts returns The Java API to style charts is back in Vaadin 17! In Vaadin 8, it was possible to style charts using only Java, ...