Vaadin 21 logo image

Meet Vaadin 21!

We’re happy to announce our latest feature release: Vaadin 21. The new release brings Spring Security helpers to Flow, new features and updates to components, a nullable type definition for Fusion, and more! Vaadin 21 introduces improvements to the frameworks, tools and components. You can see the ...
Vaadin Start

Get started with Vaadin Start

Vaadin Start is an online configurator for generating Vaadin web apps, fast. You can choose between Vaadin Flow (if you prefer Java) and Vaadin Fusion (if you prefer TypeScript), but don’t worry about making the wrong choice; the frameworks are interoperable and can be used independently or ...
Collaboration Engine feature image 4 steps

How to enable real-time collaboration in your Vaadin app in 4 steps

Most web applications are collaborative. You have multiple users, all working with the same underlying data in the database. However, in most existing business applications, this collaboration doesn't happen in real time, which can lead to mistakes, inconsistent data, and lost working time. Why ...
Feature image for real-time collaborative web apps for work blog

Use Vaadin to Build Real-Time Collaborative Web Apps for Work

The digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, as well as internal operations, has been accelerated by three to four years as a swift response to COVID-19. Companies have been pushed beyond the technology tipping point, fundamentally changing the way business is done today. The era of ...
V20 release image

Say Hello to Vaadin 20!

Our latest feature release, Vaadin 20, is finally here. V20 brings both new features and updates, including official Gradle support, Spring Security Helpers and TypeScript type event definitions for 15 more components since Vaadin 19. Vaadin 20 contains frameworks, tools and components. You can see ...
UI components displayed on a purple background.

Design Systems for Consistency and Efficiency

Many application development teams struggle with UI inconsistencies, both in terms of UI design and UI implementation. According to the Enterprise UX Industry Report for 2017–2018, consistency is the number one challenge reported by enterprise UI designers. Designer-developer collaboration is ...
Vaadin CLI Featured image

What's the Vaadin CLI?

The Vaadin command line interface (CLI) is a fast way to create a new Vaadin Flow or Fusion project directly from your local terminal. Vaadin CLI is experimental and free to use. Prerequisites: you need to have Node.js installed. Go to the Node.js download page to install it on your development ...
Collaboration Engine card image

Implement Chat for your Flow app

Users can now chat with each other, in real time, with the latest Collaboration Engine (CE) update. The current roster of CE features enables users to see each other, work together without experiencing save conflicts and with the latest additions, and engage in discussion. CE, including chat, is ...
Vaadin docs site card

Try the new documentation site

Comprehensive technical documentation goes hand-in-hand with open-source software. Vaadin has grown significantly since its original release. With recent additions, such as Fusion, Collaboration Engine, and Design System, the documentation for the product and its features required a scalable ...