Tag: Java

Is your Grid too slow? You are probably using the wrong renderer
If you are building a business web application with Vaadin, chances are that you are using Vaadin Grid. There are multiple ways to create columns with Grid: some are more flexible than others. But what you might not know is how they differ in terms of performance on the client side. Why Client-Side ...
Java for front-end development in 2019
Over more than 18 years, Vaadin framework has evolved from a small library, a toolkit, to one of the most popular Java frameworks for front-end development. One of the notable changes in the history of the Vaadin framework was in 2009 when we started to use the GWT library to build the UI ...

Vaadin 14, the next LTS release, is in beta testing
Update 25th June: Most new features are production ready, but we still want to take a timeout to fix some developer experience related issues in the new npm mode. Thus we are releasing another RC this week instead of final LTS release. With the npm mode, which is the default for new projects, ...

How to Deploy Your Java App to the Cloud
So you are done testing your Java application and are satisfied with the results on your local computer. Or maybe you are still evaluating if Java is for you in terms of hosting feasibility. That’s the next natural step, to deploy your work to some cloud that supports Java runtime and share it ...

What is Grid Pro and what is happening to the free Grid?
We recently released Vaadin 13. One of the new components in the new platform version is Vaadin Grid Pro. It's the first release of the commercial extension of our free and open source Grid component. Because we are a commercial open source company, some of the features we release will be free and ...

Introducing Vaadin Labs
Introducing Vaadin Labs - an outlet for experiments and crazy features “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” - Alan Kay, 1971 That Alan Kay quote became a maxim of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s. It’s a nearly 50 year old idea but I think that it's still true - at least ...

Java Bean Validation: A Comprehensive Introduction and Best Practices
Jakarta Bean Validation (previously known as Java Bean Validation) allows you to define data validations using annotations in your Java Beans. Its motto is "constrain once, validate everywhere". Available implementations Jakarta Bean Validation is an API defined by the JSR 380. Currently, there are ...

Uploads and downloads, inputs and outputs
Vaadin Upload asks the developer to provide an OutputStream where the framework can stream the file content. Vaadin StreamResource (~ download) asks the developer to provide an InputStream the framework can read and stream to a user. Intuitive? Not really, unless you have accustomed to this ...

Testing the UI without a browser
Martin Fowler has introduced a metaphor Test Pyramid, to suggest that you should only write a fraction of end-to-end tests compared to small unit tests. It is not because end-to-end tests, like the ones using Vaadin TestBench or Selenium, are worse. They are actually better as they test all parts ...