Screenshot of the Edit Configuration dialog in Eclipse

Developing without Server Restarts

Developing without Server Restarts Note: HotswapAgent+DCEVM is not supported for the latest Vaadin LTS (Vaadin 14). See the current Development Workflow documentation on the Vaadin Docs site for the recommended hot-deploy solution for your underlying framework (plain servlet, Spring or CDI). A ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 07

What do we want to achieve? When one works with the functional aspects of programming, one come across, at some point of time, the term of Memoizing. What is this supposed to be and how can we map this in Core Java? In addition to the source text examples given in this article, I will also use the ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 06

What do we want to achieve? In the last section we have dealt with the handling of exceptions. The result of this was that we always had a case differentiation. Firstly, the smooth runners and secondly the error case. Here, we were able to formulate elegantly with an Optional or more functionally ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 05

What do we want to achieve? In the previous section, we have learned how to define a function and how to combine this a little with streams. However, we have always left out the topic of exceptions till now. Unfortunately, we come across these exceptions again and again in Java. How can one deal ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 04

What do we want to achieve? In the last section, we have seen how we can extend the class Optional. The result was the interface Result, which enabled us to do some additional things. In this section, we will deal once again with the functions themselves. In addition to the source text examples ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 03

What do we want to achieve? In the last section, we have dealt with the class Optional available to us since Java 8. We have seen there that we can replace some control structures through a fluent or functional style. This also enables us to counteract the NullpointerException known everywhere. ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 02

What do we want to achieve? In the last part of this series on Functional Reactive with Core Java, we have done the initial conversions and seen, how the source code changes when we use a few functional elements and aspects. But the question, starting from when do we talk about functional ...

Vaadin Framework 8.4 coming out with a bunch of enhancements and improved JDK 10 support

Update: Vaadin Framework 8.4.0 is now available. Alpha releases of Vaadin 8.4 are already available, and the final is scheduled for the 25th of April. The feature release contains enhancements to Grid, TreeGrid, Binder, converters, DateField, BrowserResizeListener and more. ComboBox has a better ...

Functional Reactive with Core Java - Part 01

What do we want to achieve? In this series, we will deal with the subject of Functional Reactive with Core Java. This means that we will examine the areas of functional programming and reactive systems one by one more closely. There are already a lot of systems and libraries, which cover this topic ...