Web Components in production use – are we there yet?

A lot of progress has been made since the introduction of web components back in 2011 but are they supported across all browsers. Are we there yet? While browser vendors are still working on native implementations, libraries have been able to use a polyfill to make web components available to ...

Use GWT widget as Polymer web component

So you got an existing GWT widget and you would like to publish it to a pure html/JS audience preferably as a Web Component. In this case you have a problem but hopefully this article will help you resolve that problem. Extra hacks necessary to get it working GWT 2.7.0: enable Js interop ...

Demystifying Web Components

Incoming! We’ve got some cool stuff on the way: Web Components. This is so burning hot and awesome but it also generates a lot of hype and but-whats-in-it-for-me thoughts. I’m a Java guy - how can I use all this? If you are feeling the same, just read along. Let’s clear this out for Java guys like ...