Author: Marcus Hellberg

10 reasons to use Vaadin 10
Vaadin 10 is out and it changes everything! Well, maybe not everything. But it is the biggest update in Vaadin's history. To celebrate, we wanted to highlight some of the features we're most excited about ourselves. Learn more about how to build Java web applications in Vaadin 10 with our training ...
New learning resource for Progressive Web Apps for business
You may have noticed that we've been writing a lot about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) lately. PWA are a way to deliver native like user experiences on mobile devices without the cost of developing and distributing separate apps for different mobile platforms. They also offer your users an easier way ...
Going Web Native
The web has evolved immensely in the last couple years and with it, so have the technologies. In this article we explore going Native Apps v Web Apps. I visit conferences and meetups, speak with incredibly smart people, and have time to investigate new and exciting technologies to see how they fit ...

Vaadin Elements end of June update
Last month, in time for the Polymer 2 release, we announced pre-releases of all our Core Elements with Polymer 2 support. We're happy to say that we've now finalized the upgrade work and all Elements ship with Polymer 2 support. The updated elements are now easier to use with any framework as they ...
Vaadin Core Elements 2 Roadmap
Polymer 2 support, more components, and theming support These are exciting times for Web developers. More and more browsers have shipped native support for Web Components, allowing us to rely less on polyfills and finally realize the full potential of Web Components. You might have seen that Google ...
Do we still need web frameworks?
The past, present, and future of component-based development on the web In my previous two posts, I’ve compared Polymer and Angular on performance and developer experience. In this final post of the series, I want to take a step back and look at how we ended up in a situation where Google has two ...
Comparing Polymer and Angular from a developer’s perspective
In my previous post, I showed that Polymer has a significant performance advantage over Angular. If you are trying to make your app fast (you should be), you are probably wondering if it would make sense to build it with Polymer. The potential problem with building an app with Polymer is that ...
Simplifying Performance with Web Components
Why the solution to slow web apps isn’t a more complex set of tools A while back I was working on an Angular app. What struck me was that Angular is not really only a framework, rather it’s an entire platform of its own built on top the Web platform. The reasoning behind this is to give developers ...
Using Web Components in jQuery projects
One of the great things about Web Components is that they can easily be used in existing applications without requiring you to re-architect the application. This makes Web Components like Vaadin Elements a great resource for jQuery developers – it gives you many more options when it comes to high ...