Comparing Polymer and Angular from a developer’s perspective

In my previous post, I showed that Polymer has a significant performance advantage over Angular. If you are trying to make your app fast (you should be), you are probably wondering if it would make sense to build it with Polymer. The potential problem with building an app with Polymer is that ...

Simplifying Performance with Web Components

Why the solution to slow web apps isn’t a more complex set of tools A while back I was working on an Angular app. What struck me was that Angular is not really only a framework, rather it’s an entire platform of its own built on top the Web platform. The reasoning behind this is to give developers ...

Using Web Components in jQuery projects

One of the great things about Web Components is that they can easily be used in existing applications without requiring you to re-architect the application. This makes Web Components like Vaadin Elements a great resource for jQuery developers – it gives you many more options when it comes to high ...

Vaadin Core Elements 1.1 released

One month after releasing Vaadin Core Elements 1.0, we’re happy to announce the completion of Core Elements 1.1. This update brings performance and usability improvements to vaadin-grid, vaadin-combo-box and vaadin-date-picker. vaadin-grid 1.1 now dynamically updates in response to changes in the ...

Community Spotlight – June 2016

A few weeks back Vaadin organized a Progressive Web App programming competition, giving the winners a chance to attend Google Progressive Web App Developer Summit in Amsterdam. In this month’s Community Spotlight, we want to introduce the winners of the competition and showcase the cool projects ...
Angular 2 Polymer

Using Polymer components in Angular 2

We have some great news for all Angular 2 users out there! While working on providing a seamless Angular 2 integration to Vaadin Elements, we ended up building a universal Polymer to Angular 2 adapter that allows you to use any Polymer Element in your Angular 2 application. This means that in ...

Announcing Vaadin Core Elements 1.0

Vaadin has been in the business of building UI components for the web since our start in 2000. Over the years, we’ve built up a big library of components and more importantly we’ve learned a lot about what developers and businesses need from their components. With the introduction of the Web ...

Date Picker and Upload Element 1.0 betas released

Choosing a date is a common requirement in business applications. We wanted to provide an effortless and intuitive way of scrolling through months and years to find the date you are looking for. As a result, we just released the vaadin-date-picker element with two scrolling areas – one for months ...

Vaadin combo box reimagined as a Polymer element – 1.0 beta ready to be used in desktop and mobile applications

Business app workhorse If a data table/grid is the most prominent and defining component of a UI framework, the combo box might be the most commonly used of the more complex widgets in business applications. It is very helpful for the users in situations where they have a very long list of options ...