Web Components in production use – are we there yet?

A lot of progress has been made since the introduction of web components back in 2011 but are they supported across all browsers. Are we there yet? While browser vendors are still working on native implementations, libraries have been able to use a polyfill to make web components available to ...

Migrating NPAPI based Java applications to the web

UPDATE Jan 27, 2016: Oracle has announced that they are discontinuing the Java browser plugin as of Java 9. Google, Mozilla and Microsoft have all dropped support for NPAPI in their latest browsers. This means that if your business is using an application that relies on the Java browser plugin, ...

Vaadin Elements – a set of Web Components for business apps

As you have probably noticed, we recently introduced a new product called Vaadin Elements. Vaadin Elements builds on the Web Components standards and Google Polymer and will allow you to start using Vaadin components in any front end framework – like jQuery, Angular 2, React, Ember 2 or any plain ...

Using Polymer Elements in GWT development

The upcoming W3C Web Components standards promise to simplify large web application development through the use of custom HTML elements that encapsulate behavior and presentation in reusable components. While browser vendors are still working on implementing native support for Web Components ...

Where is Vaadin TouchKit heading?

In this second post on mobile web application development and Vaadin TouchKit, I’ll be talking about the future of TouchKit. With TouchKit 1.0 released, development focus will be switched to TouchKit 2.0. The biggest new feature in the following major release of TouchKit is support for building ...

Developing Vaadin TouchKit, Part 1

This is the first post in a series of three posts on Vaadin TouchKit and mobile web application development. In this first post, I’ll give a bit of background about how I got involved with developing Vaadin TouchKit and discuss some thoughts I’ve had during the development phase. The following ...