GitHub transition: completed

Like the most active of you have already noticed, Vaadin has been moving its open source functions to GitHub. Today, we can finally say we are there. Vaadin Framework is the biggest and the most important project to adapt a fully GitHub based workflow. What does this mean to you? In short: forget ...

Take a REST by integrating Salesforce into Vaadin

Consuming RESTful web services is quite a common topic currently. Many of the trendy microservices just provide a RESTful API which must then be consumed from the UI layer. Salesforce provides a rather complete UI for their services, but they also provide excellent hooks for developers to build ...

Vaadin Spring 1.1 is out

I’m pleased to announce that a new version of Vaadin Spring is released! The version 1.1 brings a major enhancement for Navigator and View handling, which shaves away a lot of boilerplate code from non-trivial applications that have multiple views. Spring powered Navigator The big new feature in ...

Spring Boot - a perfect platform for a Vaadin UI

Vaadin Framework is a web app UI framework that requires just a Java virtual machine and a servlet container. In theory that is all you need to build your application, but for most real business apps, you are much better off when you base your app on some application framework. Spring Framework and ...

Dependency Injection, black magic or a must have tool for a modern Java application?

If you have passed your courses about object oriented programming, you know that loose coupling is something you should always strive for. There are many ways to achieve loose coupling. Inversion of control (IoC) using dependency injection (DI) is one way to improve the quality of your code. When a ...

Vaadin Framework 8 comes with Java 8 native APIs

For a web framework whose history spans back 15 years, Vaadin Framework contains an insane number of modern web technologies. It has been an SPA (single-page application) before the term was coined, it uses WebSockets for a constantly open communication channel, Sass for enhanced theme building and ...

Demystifying widget set cloud compilation

The Vaadin Framework 7.7 release brought major improvements for widgetset handling in general. Probably the most interesting part in the new release is the possibility to delegate the time consuming widgetset compilation to a cloud service, which can also host your widgetset. These are big changes ...

Vaadin Framework 7.7 is out

On behalf of the Vaadin team, I am pleased to announce a new release, Vaadin Framework 7.7.0. The release contains major improvements for widgetset handling and a bunch of bug fixes. Much less GWT (compiling) By default the concept of widgetset is now completely hidden and you don’t need to think ...

My best practices for Vaadin add-on projects

A good software project should be easy to build, fast to develop and it should be simple to test. This is also the case for Vaadin add-ons, which are not the most trivial kind of software projects on the Earth. The de-facto method for creating Vaadin add-ons is a Maven project template called ...