Vaadin 8.2 comes with improvements to Binder, Navigator, Grid, and Tree

Although there is currently a lot of buzz around the upcoming Vaadin 10 and Flow, we continue to work with improvements to the Vaadin 8 series, as well. In fact, specific features are developed or improved in the 8 series and then the changes will later be applied to Vaadin Flow. Also, the ...

More on Java 9 compatibility

As discussed earlier, the core of Vaadin 8 is already compatible with Java 9. The issue burdening developers, however, has been the incompatibility of GWT when compiling a new widgetset, or developing new components. For many Vaadin developers, this has been a showstopper, as setting up a different ...

Vaadin Flow - the next piece of Vaadin 10 is now in developer preview

As announced last year, we have been preparing the pieces for the next major version of Vaadin. The Vaadin Elements project has become a popular collection of Web Components and today we are happy to publish the developer preview of the next generation Java Framework: Vaadin Flow. And we’d love to ...

Vaadin Framework 8.1 is now stable

I’m pleased to announce that Vaadin Framework 8.1 is now declared as stable. As discussed earlier, it brings the much awaited component support to the Grid’s columns, Vaadin 8 style support for hierarchical data structures (Tree and TreeGrid), improved drag and drop support, and enhanced OSGi ...

Try out HTML5 drag-n-drop, components in Grid and TreeGrid today

Vaadin Framework 8.0 came out just a bit more than a month ago, but we are already pretty far with the next major feature enhancements. The top three new features in Vaadin 8.1 include (click links to see examples in Sampler): Component support in Grid. In 8.1 it is no more required to use custom ...

Vaadin Framework 8 is out!

The long wait is over and I’m privileged to announce that Vaadin Framework 8.0.0 is released today! Version 7 was released over four years ago. Even though there have been 7 minor releases since the initial release, that have added countless of new major features, major releases are always more ...

Vaadin Framework 6 is becoming end-of-life, now what?

Vaadin Framework 7 was released in 2013, but there are still a whole lot of Vaadin 6 applications, doing their job, each and every day. When Vaadin 8 comes out as a stable release, which is hopefully pretty soon, Vaadin 6 series won’t anymore be covered by our free support, 8 years after its ...

Vaadin 8 beta is out - we need your help!

Update: We are now in RC state, help us to iron out the last bugs before first stable release! I’m happy to announce that the first beta version of the next major Vaadin Framework release is out. As discussed earlier, version 8 is a huge step forward taking advantage of the greatest and latest Java ...

GitHub transition: completed

Like the most active of you have already noticed, Vaadin has been moving its open source functions to GitHub. Today, we can finally say we are there. Vaadin Framework is the biggest and the most important project to adapt a fully GitHub based workflow. What does this mean to you? In short: forget ...