Lots of new Vaadin + Liferay material available

The Liferay portal has always been a popular basis for Vaadin applications, so for this year’s Liferay Symposium we wanted to publish some fresh learning material - especially for new Vaadin developers. We created a full-stack example portlet, published a couple of smaller tricks for Liferay ...

Vaadin pre-releases moved to new repository

We are getting closer to releasing our next minor release, 7.6. There has already been 7 alpha pre-releases and we hope to call them betas in the next couple of weeks. We encourage developers to use, or at least try, our pre-releases when working with projects without strict deadlines. This is an ...

Minimized Vaadin servers for IoT solutions

Trimming down the last bytes of deployment artifact size and server startup time has never really been a top priority for business app developers. These measures just need to be within reasonable values, and are seldom essential things in business applications, neither in development or production ...

Vaadin Spring 1.0.0 is out!

I’m honoured to announce that the beta period for Vaadin Spring integration library has ended and the first stable release, with version number 1.0.0, is now available. Using Vaadin (and plain Java) alone is not the best way to build large business applications. In any non-trivial application, ...

Community Spotlight - August 2015

We skipped the July’s episode due to summer vacations, so there are a lot of community efforts in the buffer. Here is just a part of the cool stuff that has happened in the Vaadin community during the past months. We’ll get to add-on updates and other articles in the next episode. Wajdi Almir Ahmad ...

Jar packaged web apps with WildFly Swarm

“Make jar, not war” In the era of virtual servers and various cloud services, it has become common that a web server hosts only one web application. The overhead of having a separate execution environment for each web app, for both server room and maintenance people, has become so small that it ...

Using DeltaSpike properties for more portable application binaries

I recently wrote an example application to create invoices. In it I used Google’s OAuth2 authentication, which naturally requires application specific API keys and secrets from Google that I cannot share publicly in the demo sources. As OAuth2 was just one thing I wanted to demonstrate, I wanted ...

Implementing sign-in with Google’s OAuth 2 services

Traditionally all public web apps have had their own authentication mechanisms, typically implemented with application specific username-password pairs. The approach is straightforward to set up for web developers, but also infamously difficult to do right (not at all or too weak hashing of ...

JCache, why and how?

Caching is needed in many different kinds of solutions to optimize the application in various ways. Discover what Jcache is and why you need it. Why, where and how could you use it? Caching libraries in the Java ecosystem is almost as common as mosquitoes in Northern Europe. Ehcache, Hazelcast, ...