Community Spotlight - June 2015

It is time to wrap up some latest community activities. Yet another alternative JVM language supported Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains (the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, TeamCity and lots of other development tools). It is typically compiled to Java bytecode and executed in ...

SAP HANA Cloud Platform + Vaadin - a combo for productive web app development

SAP HANA is a rather interesting, efficient in-memory database. It can be purchased as a "black box" server (rented hardware, with pre-installed software) that you place to your server room or simply use as a cloud service. Together with the actual RDBMS, you can use SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAP ...

Generating PDF files using ODT/DOCX templates

The PDF format has established a strong position as a format used for printing and archiving formal documents. This is why pretty much all software developers have at some point faced a requirement to create PDF files like receipts or reports. Developers in the JVM ecosystem have a huge set of ...

Community Spotlight - May 2015

Learning online, whenever you want Are you more a person who likes to take lectures instead of learning things by yourself with a book? Vaadin Ltd offers popular interactive online courses every now and then, but there is also a series of pre-recorded video lessons about Vaadin. The video lessons ...

Community Spotlight - April 2015

I just love it when smart people without previous experience learn to use Vaadin and write a blog entry about their experiences. Typically “externals” with a fresh honest mind can summarize the good parts of various tools better than those who stare at the details from a close distance. Just ...

Maven essentials for the impatient developer

We just recently published a new Maven page at It contains Maven “coordinates” for Vaadin projects and a super handy generic Maven repository search. But does it help you if you haven’t used Maven before? No. Are our most interesting Java examples built with Maven these days? Yes. ...

Community Spotlight - March 2015

The Spring of Grid The late winter and early spring has definitely been spiced by the Grid. It has been a huge project in Vaadin, multiple times larger than we initially expected years ago, when it was only a sketch on our chalk boards. In fact, you shouldn't think of the first release just as a ...

A new Vaadin tutorial for developers with Swing experience

If you as a Vaadin developer have some background in desktop application development, you are probably well aware of the similarities that Vaadin and desktop GUI libraries like Swing have. The development model is so similar that Swing developers typically feel right at home on the very first day ...

Using JAX-RS 2 Client API in Liberty and Bluemix

I’m a big fan of JAX-RS 2.0 Client API, a part of Java EE 7 specification. They make writing stuff that depends on external REST services really easy on JVM. If you don’t know about the client API, you should definitely check out my recent tutorial for JAX-RS Client APIs. I just started a project ...