Author: Sami Ekblad
Getting started with Vaadin in Liferay
Greetings from the Liferay Symposium. The event was great and we have had many good discussions with new and old Vaadin fans over here. And this is no wonder, like you learned earlier Vaadin-based applications took double-win the Liferay Marketplace. Announcing the new Vaadin Liferay refcard The ...
Vaadin 7.3: Make your web apps shine
Vaadin 7.3 has arrived. It has been a long run starting from the development of a new Java-based Sass compiler, but today you can enjoy the results. Valo - theme above all others Valo is the name of the new visual theme in Vaadin 7.3.0. The Finnish word “valo” stands for “light” and the name ...
Using CORS with Vaadin
Can I use Vaadin, if my site does not run on a Java server? Let’s say you have a site, a blog or similar on a server that you have no access to, or it even has no Java capabilities, but you would still like to embed and run a Vaadin application there. To do this you would need to run your Vaadin ...
How we run and test our apps - Community survey results
In June we asked you about how Vaadin applications go to production. What kind of apps do you use Vaadin for, what are the popular servers, and how regression testing is managed. A special thank you to everyone who took the time and answered. Here is what you said. Business. And more business. Most ...
Vaadin 7.2.0 - "Mainz"
The next minor version of Vaadin 7 series is available for application developers around the world. Like we stated earlier, this is the second step in our iterative process of adding new features to Vaadin 7. So, let’s get started with these. Make more responsive applications This actually means ...

It is time to get a Vaadin certificate
We launched Vaadin 7 Certification almost a year ago to follow the initial Vaadin 7.0 release. The few hundred of you who have taken the exam have given us valuable feedback on the certification. Now, nearly one year later, we're happy to announce new, revised certification questions. To celebrate ...
February survey results - Learning and doing with Vaadin
Last month we ran a survey at to better understand how you learn and find information about Vaadin Framework and tools. Learn Vaadin There are a ton of web resources for people starting to learn Vaadin, but the most important source of information is still Book of Vaadin - also available ...
How to make reading graphs easier for your end users?
There are numerous ways to visualize your data and Vaadin Charts comes with multiple types of graphs to choose from both for developers looking for a reliable java graph library to integrate to their Vaadin application and for the front-end developers. Despite the multitude of graphs available, it ...
State of Vaadin Community 2013
In the end of 2013 we ran a survey on to learn more about how we all as the community are currently using Vaadin, and what do people love and hate about it. We got over 200 responses and here is what we know now. Professional Vaadin users We are a professional open-source community. When ...