Vaadin Custom Training - Learn more and pay less #ffs

Starting today, you can benefit from our new and simplified Custom Training. With more courses than ever before, unlimited number of training participants and a simplified pricing model you’ll get an amazing Vaadin Expert-led learning experience for you and your team. Simplified - What has changed? ...

Vaadin's frontend direction

There has been some discussion about what the recently announced Vaadin 10 platform means in the context of GWT. I'll summarise some background about the direction we're taking here. I want to bring up two central themes: component models and freedom of choice. Component models UI development ...
Swing to Vaadin Migration

Clock ticking loudly for Swing and SWT users

It might have flown under your radar, but with the release of Java 9, Oracle delivered the biggest wakeup call yet to Swing users. While Swing remains supported within JavaSE, the options are running out to get your Swing applications to your users’ desktops and to keep these applications updated. ...

More on Java 9 compatibility

As discussed earlier, the core of Vaadin 8 is already compatible with Java 9. The issue burdening developers, however, has been the incompatibility of GWT when compiling a new widgetset, or developing new components. For many Vaadin developers, this has been a showstopper, as setting up a different ...

Performance testing in Vaadin apps

Website speed and responsiveness are two of the primary quality requirements in Web projects, as they have direct impact on revenue, both positive and negative. Although Vaadin is a great open-source web framework for developing rich internet applications, it is no secret that testing the ...

Migrating to Vaadin 10 and beyond

Revised November 2018 - few changes to our plans and product names A year ago I wrote here about our plans how we help current Vaadin Framework 8 users to migrate to Vaadin 10 platform. Since Developer Preview was released we talked to Vaadin customers and got the message that migration path would ...

Going Web Native

The web has evolved immensely in the last couple years and with it, so have the technologies. In this article we explore going Native Apps v Web Apps. I visit conferences and meetups, speak with incredibly smart people, and have time to investigate new and exciting technologies to see how they fit ...

Vaadin Elements in Vaadin 10

Vaadin 10 is a modern web application development platform. It’s core is the comprehensive set of business oriented UI components called Vaadin Elements. How we got here Vaadin Elements was originally targeting to add a few important, yet missing, UI components to Google’s Paper Elements set of Web ...

Vaadin Framework 8 roadmap 2017 and beyond

What happened during 2017? Vaadin Framework 8.0 was released on February 2017. It brought more than 21 Improvements to Vaadin Framework. One of the major features was full Java 8 support. Java 8 allowed us to dramatically improve the Data API. We released Vaadin Framework 8.1 in July. It took a bit ...