Vaadin Blog
Vaadin 8 and Java 9
As you undoubtedly know, Oracle just announced the general availability of Java 9. It contains tons of exciting new features, and you might be itching to test drive it with your Vaadin application. The server side aspects of Vaadin Framework work flawlessly with Java 9 today. If your app doesn’t ...
Java EE and Vaadin best practices now available as a ZIP
Just a few months ago we released an app starter for Vaadin and Spring, and we got huge loads of positive feedback! But there was one thing many of you requested; an app starter for Java EE. And we listened. Today, we’re happy to announce the release of Bakery App Starter for Vaadin Framework 8 and ...
Join the Fight for Simplicity
Vaadin was founded to make it easy for developers to build great web apps. We have been on that path for the past 17 years and today our mission keeps looking as important as ever. To best communicate what Vaadin stands for we have from time to time refined our brand: how we hope people will see ...
Making custom components for declarative use
Vaadin introduced declarative syntax for initializing screen compositions in Framework 7.4. Since its release, declarative serialization and initialization have been associated for the most part with the Vaadin Designer product, where this syntax is used to describe a user interface design in a ...
Free Vaadin 8 Certification Week Digest
The Free Vaadin 8 Certification week officially ended on Sunday evening last week. During this past week over 1250 developers from our community signed up for the certification and tried to pass the examination. This was the strongest attendance during our free trial periods in the history of ...
Mission RIP Table: Migrate to Grid! - Data and Structure
This is a series of tutorials for upgrading the Table component to Grid. It will be performed by migrating to Framework 7 style of Grid, then migrating to Framework 8. As a reference, Gridv7 is the Grid component from Framework 7, while Grid is the latest Grid component in Framework 8. Naturally, ...
Responsive Design Made Easy with CSS Grid and Web Components
A simple responsive layout example without any tricks nor manipulating DOM with JavaScript. Responsive design is used to create good user interfaces across all display sizes and devices. Generally, this means the size, position, and visibility of each section within the UI is dependent on the ...
Mission RIP Table: Migrate to Grid! - Components
This is a series of tutorials for upgrading the Table component to Grid. In this post I won’t be able to migrate to an older version of Grid, because adding components inside Grid appeared only with the newly announced version a few weeks ago, so I will jump directly from Table to Grid for ...
Mission RIP Table: Migrate to Grid! - Selection
This is a series of tutorials for upgrading the Table component to Grid. It will be performed by migrating to Framework 7 style of Grid, then migrating to Framework 8. As a reference, Gridv7 is the Grid component from Framework 7, while Grid is the latest Grid component in Framework 8. Naturally, ...